14 Things To Enhance Your Reiki Session

Nov 18, 2022Self-Care & Healing

Things to enhance your Reiki session

14 Things To Enhance Your Reiki Session

Nov 18, 2022Self-Care & Healing

Things to enhance your Reiki session

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Before you start your Reiki session, make sure to clear your space. Tidy up, clean, and make sure the space feels comfortable and smells nice.

To enhance your Reiki session, there are several things that you can use that will add to the experience of whomever is receiving the Reiki. Here are some ideas and things that I like to use with Reiki. Enjoy your next session!

1. White Sage Smudge And Palo Santo

Use a White Sage Smudge Bundle or some Palo Santo to clear your space from negative energies before a Reiki session.

Sage smudge bundles (with rose leaves) and palo santo are commonly used in combination with an abalone shell. This kit comes with the shell, a stand for the shell, and a small instruction booklet.

2. Reiki Logbook

Use this Reiki Logbook to keep track of all your Reiki sessions. Whether this is a Reiki session you do for a client or for yourself, it doesn´t matter. If you track your experience, overtime you will start to notice new things about your sessions.

Keeping a logbook or journal is also great when you are doing your Reiki 1 course. During the 21 days of self treatment for Reiki 1, write a short journal entry every day after your session. It will be great to look back on after you finish!

What I like about this specific logbook is the area where you can track seperate details about your session such as: intentions, music, crystals, symbols, and more.

If you prefer a Reiki journal with more additional information about Reiki, such as explanations, beginner tips and meditations, check out this Reiki Journal instead (I really like the artwork on the cover too!).

3. Essential Oils With Diffuser

I absolutely love to use essential oils during a Reiki session! This set of 6 Essential Oils with Diffuser will not only give a great smell to your space, but also gives it a calming feel with the woodlook.

The essential oils are of good quality and the scents are Lemongrass, Sweet Orange, Tea Tree, Lavender, Eucalyptus, Peppermint.

To use the diffuser, you just fill it with some water (as per the instructions) and add a few drops of oil. The diffuser has a timer and also switches itself off when all the water has evaporated.

4. Tibetan Singing Bowl

Use this Tibetan Singing Bowl Set to add an extra dimension to your Reiki session. It is a compact one, so it is easy to bring along with you when you are going somewhere.

The soothing tones that a singing bowl produces, stimulates the healing process. The sounds also help you to tune into your relaxation more easily, which will help you to be more open to receive intuitive messages during your Reiki session.

5. Chakra Crystals Set With Pendulum

If you would like to get started (or try out) using crystals and a pendulum during a Reiki session, try this Chakra Crystals Travel Set With Pendulum And Necklace.

It comes with a different crystal for each of the chakras, a spiral necklace and a pendulum with all the chakra colors in it.

Before you use the crystals for the first time, don’t forget to cleanse and recharge them (you can cleanse them using sage smudge or palo santo, and re-energize them by giving them Reiki!).

If you haven’t used a pendulum before, I recommend getting a Pendulum For Beginners book to get started in the right way.

6. Aura Spray

Sometimes you might prefer to use a spray to add a nice scent to your space. In that case, use this Aura Spray made of sage, lavender and peppermint oil.

I use a spray like this when I do a short Reiki session for myself or do a Reiki chair treatment for someone else.

This is also nice to use during a short meditation.

7. Reiki Table

When you start to give Reiki to other people or to clients, you will need a Reiki table. I have this Portable Folding Reiki Table in white.

It is a very light, portable table which is great if you want to take it with you, or not leave it in your room all the time.

It is a very light to carry and easy to collapse too. The side supports and the head support can be taken off.

8. Asana Moon Chakra Cards

If you are getting into Reiki, you are likely to want to learn more about the 7 chakras: how you can heal them and how you can recognize which ones to heal.

These Asana Moon Chakra Cards can help you with that. Instead of getting all the information in the form of a book, these cards are a fun and easy way to learn something new about the chakra with each of your Reiki sessions.

They also come with information about crystals, aroma therapy and affirmations for each chakra.

9. Relaxing Water Fountain

Use this Relaxing Water Fountain to create a calm surrounding in your Reiki space.

It feels like having your own rejuvenating spring when you add some rocks to it. The rocks are not included, which leaves a great opportunity to select your own rocks, or even add some stones with Reiki symbols (see below).

It has soft lighting and a small water pump built in, and is powered with an electric power cord.

10. The Ultimate Guide To Crystals

This Ultimate Guide To Crystals is a beginner’s guide that describes the healing energies and usage of a 100 crystals and stones.

What is great about this book is that it specifically talks about how to use crystals for Reiki (and other practices).

If you are new to crystals, and would like to use them in your Reiki practice, this is the book to begin with.

11. Black Agate Stones With Reiki Symbols

If you are learning the Reiki symbols, or just like to keep them close to you for extra energy, get these Reiki Stones made of black agate.

Carry them in your pocket or in your bag during the day, or lay them close by or on the body during a Reiki session.

Don’t forget to cleanse and re-energize the stones after you receive them!

If you like to know more about the Reiki symbols, you can read all about it in my post here.

12. Meditation Cushion

I often do a meditation before I start a Reiki session, and I love to use a Meditation Cushion to meditate on.

I like this one by Florensi because of the neutral color and beautiful mandala on the top.

For the fillings, they used buckwheat hulls so it is also eco-friendly.

If you like, also read about How Meditation Helps With Reiki, or check out my Guide To Meditation.

13. Chakra Inspirational Poster

Hang this 7 Chakra Inspirational Poster in your Reiki space for a nice color boost, and a reminder of the power of each chakra.

I like the style and colors of this poster a lot, and feel it makes me smile when I see it!

The poster is 16×24 inch, comes on canvas, but without a frame. (I personally prefer it without the frame!)

14. Cho-Ku-Rei Reiki Earrings

I’m not sure if these Cho-Ku-Rei Reiki Earrings directly enhance your Reiki session (but maybe they do!), but I had to add them to this list.

I absolutely love these! What a great way to always have the power symbol right there with you! 🙂

The earrings are made of sterling silver, and are 5/8 inches (1.6 cm) tall by 3/8 inches (1 cm) wide.

More About Reiki?

If you like to know more about Reiki, check out my post Reiki Energy Healing 101. It has all the essentials you need to know about Reiki (including the best 3 Reiki books, if you are looking for that).

This post was all about things to enhance your Reiki session.

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