7 Spiritual Practices That Will Improve Your Life Immediately

Mar 29, 2024Spiritual Awakening

7 spiritual practices to improve your life

7 Spiritual Practices That Will Improve Your Life Immediately

Mar 29, 2024Spiritual Awakening

7 spiritual practices to improve your life

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True freedom cannot be found outside yourself.

You can search your whole life trying to find it by changing your outer circumstances, eventually realizing that it can only be found within.

Once I finally realized that, my spiritual journey began, and I finally found that sense of freedom that I had been looking for for so long!

These are 7 spiritual practices that you can incorporate in your life if you want to find more freedom, and are ready to take the steps to create it for yourself.

And when you change from within, your outer world will follow. It’s unavoidable!

1. Become The Observer Of Your Thoughts And Emotions

When you learn to become the observer of your thoughts and emotions, you’ll stop being controlled by them.

By observing your own patterns, as if you were an outsider, you will feel less attached to them, and you will be able to change them over time.

You can practice this through meditation and journaling.

2. Connect With Your Inner Wisdom

By finding stillness, you are able to connect with your inner voice: your intuition.

We often try to find answers for our life in the outside world, while we can only really find them within ourselves.

It’s not always easy to sit in stillness as difficult thoughts can come up.

But when you learn to notice, acknowledge, and let go of those thoughts, you will connect with a deeper knowing. Because when your mind is quiet, your intuition speaks the loudest!

3. Do Shadow Work

To feel lighter, we need to face the dark.

By facing and understanding your fears, pain and trauma on a deeper level, you can work through them and release the heavy energy once and for all.

Not an easy thing to do.

But when you suppress your trauma, it will always be there below the surface.

Only by facing your ‘shadow’ (the subconscious), and bringing it into the light (the conscious), you can release it and be free from it.

4. Do More Things That Bring You Joy

Joy is the highest emotion.

After all, why do we want to make our wishes come true? Because we believe that that will make us happy.

But what if you can be happy right now? In this moment.

Don’t postpone your happiness until everything will be perfect. Find those moments now.

Do more of the things you enjoy. Get creative, make music, cook, dance, exercise, walk in nature, …

5. Become What You Want To Attract

Like attracts like.

That’s why ‘I want to see it before I believe it’ is actually not a helpful mindset to have.

Everything is energy. And you are an antenna.

What you send out, you attract in. Not literally, but energetically.

When you become energetically ‘lighter’, new people and situations that match your energy will suddenly begin to appear in your life.

6. Heal Your Body

Body and mind are interconnected.

By improving the wellbeing of your body, you will feed the mind with more positive energy (and vice versa).

Stress, pain and trauma get stored in our body in the form of energetic blocks.

Take time to tune into what’s going on in your body and try to clear it from this energy.

This helps relieve your nervous system, and decreases the risk of more serious ailments.

7. Surrender To Life

You may think that you are in control by frantically managing your life.

But that sense of control is an illusion.

You cannot control whether a loved one dies, whether an earthquake happens, or whether you lose the things you love.

You can only control how you react.

Learning to deal with loss (through feeling, grieving and accepting it) and learning to embrace your vulnerabilities are key to a happier life.


If you have any questions, or would like to know more about:

*Living more freely

*Feeling less stressed

*Finding your life purpose

*Receiving clarity on your challenges

*Breaking limiting beliefs, bad habits and unhelpful patterns

Feel free to reach out! I’m a spiritual life coach, tarot reader and energy healer.

Send me a message, or book a free discovery call. Or check out my website for more information.

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