Why You Should Meditate (5 Benefits of Meditation)
At first, meditation felt like a struggle, but it changed my life - and it can change your life too! Because meditation is not just about sitting still, it's about...
What Does It Mean To Be Aligned With The Universe?
This took me a while to understand, but when it finally sank in, it all made sense. And even better, I began to experience how it works! When you are in a state of...
8 Questions To Find Your Life Purpose Fast
Do you struggle to find your life purpose? Do you know what you DON'T want, but are not sure of what you DO want? You are not alone. For a very long time I struggled...
How To Protect Your Energy
Protecting our energy is far from easy sometimes. Especially in a toxic environment we can't just walk out of, or when someone just happens to find a way to boil your...
Numerology In Tarot: What Do The Numbers Mean?
Learning about basic numerology in Tarot will help you understand the cards better, and will provide more depth to the underlaying energies in a reading. The numbers on...
What To Expect From Your First Reiki Session?
If you consider booking your first Reiki session, or if you have your first Reiki session coming up soon, you may wonder what to expect. I absolutely love what Reiki...
Magnetic Healing: How To Improve Your Magnetic Field
Many alternative healers swear by magnetic healing. The use of magnets for improving health has been as old as time. There are stories dating all the way back to...
The 15 Best Tarot Decks In 2023
Are you looking for the next amazing Tarot deck to add to your collection? Then you will surely find some inspiration in this list! These are my top 15 Tarot decks in...
Do You Know Your Moon And Rising Sign?
When you think of your Zodiac sign, you probably think of your Sun sign. This is the sign determined by the date on which you were born. For example, if you are born...
8 Shadow Work Prompts For Manifestation
Having trouble manifesting? Then there is something that is blocking you from achieving what you want. You probably already knew that, but how to find out what it is...