How Many People Are Spiritually Awake?

Sep 23, 2022Spiritual Awakening

How many people are spiritually awake

How Many People Are Spiritually Awake?

Sep 23, 2022Spiritual Awakening

How many people are spiritually awake

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Approximately 5% of people in the world are spiritually awake at some level. This estimate is based on the assumption that there are 4 levels of consciousness, of which approx. 95% of people are estimated to exist in the 1st level of consciousness (also known as the culturescape). That leaves approx. 5% of people who exist in levels 2, 3 or 4. These people are all spiritually awake at some level.

In an article about the stages of consciousness evolution, Mindvalley´s founder Vishen Lakhiani describes 4 levels of consciousness for the modern human (see below). He estimates the amount of people in the 1st level to be around 95%.

Now that the world is moving into and era of transrationalism, it is possible that we will see a wave of spiritual awakening in the coming years among many more people.

Will More People Spiritually Awaken In The Coming Years?

There are two opposing theories on whether more people (than about 5%) will spiritually awaken in the coming years or not:

According to one theory, the percentage of the human population that is awakened is around the same at all times throughout history and throughout cultures. The reason for this would be that the soul takes several lifetimes to transcend to the next level in the Pyramid of Spiritual Awakening, meaning that about 5% of people exist at the point of the pyramid at any given time.

On the contrary, there is another theory that claims that the world is now awakening at a faster pace than ever. The reason being that we are in a natural cyclical transition away from over-rationalization, and into a more spiritual and intuitive era. This is paving the way for people to be more open to spirituality as they realize something is missing in society as it is today.

Needless to say that only time will tell which one is right.

Will more people spiritually awaken in the coming years

What Levels Of Consciousness Are There?

There are 4 levels of consciousness that apply to the modern human being. At Level 1 you live in the culturescape. At Level 2 you are questioning all social constructs. At Level 3 you have a mission. At Level 4 you are experiencing an intense feeling of connectedness with all that is life.

Below are the explanations of each of these levels. Also check out the video below for more details.

Level 1 – Living In The Culturescape

Level 1 is the level where most people in the world today exist in. It is also referred to as the culturescape. This is basically our man-made world of things and ideas, including our ideas and assumptions around social constructs such as needing a certain education, a career, a family or a 9-to-5 job to be happy and successful.

In the culturescape we judge what is right and wrong based on ideas that we inherite from our upbringing and the world around us. It can be anything that we heard from others or in the media that would be good or bad for us (f.e. related to food, exercise, health, work, relationships). At Level 1 you believe that this 3D reality is the truth.

For more about the Culturescape, also read How the Culturescape is keeping you trapped (and 5 ways to escape it).

Level 2 – The Awakening

Level 2 is the level where you start to question everything that you believe. Is it true that I need certain possessions to be happy? Is it true that I need to have an education? Is it true that I need to get married and have children? Are my believes of what is happening the truth or are they merely constructs in my head?

At this point, you will realize that you are a limitless being and that it is you who creates your reality. The only roadblocks that are preventing you from living your true purpose are coming from you. Nothing is standing in your way of achieving your life’s purpose, except for your own (subconscious) believes.

Level 3 – Living With A Mission

Level 3 is the level where you are no longer motivated by external drivers and traditional goals. Instead you are driven by a mission. You have worked on rewiring yourself and your brain, and have established a strong and direct connection with your intuition.

You know what your life’s purpose is and you feel a strong sense of connectedness with the world around you. It will appear that things start falling into place in surprising and unexpected ways. The universe has your back now you are living to achieve your mission.

Level 4 – Merging Of Consciousness

Level 4 is a state or feeling of pure connectedness to everything around you. At this stage, you have an innate understanding of how everything is connected and how every human, animal, plant and object is one.

This stage can be reached in a moment, but there are only very few (if any) people that can live in this state all the time. Even when this state is experienced as a glimpse, it can (and very likely will) have a life-changing effect on the person that experienced it.

Continue reading: The Purpose Of Spiritual Awakening

This post was all about how many people are spiritually awake and the 4 levels of consciousness.

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