How to spiritually bless your water? Why would you? This may sound crazy to you, but hold on.. It is not as crazy as you might think!
There is actually some interesting scientific research to back this up. Although in the old days, the benefits of blessing water was common knowledge to people, in our modern times, this seems to have been forgotten by many..
If your health is important to you, you want to know about these practical ways to bless your own water and heal yourself. Everyone can do this! 🤍
What Is The Spiritual Importance Of Water?
Water is life. Without water, there would be no living organisms on this planet. Our bodies consist mostly of water so we carry water with us all of the time, wherever we go.
Because water changes form constantly (from water to vapor to ice and back to water), it is the pulsing heart of life on earth. Water is actually a living organism that constantly adapts itself to its environment..!
In spirituality, the fact that everything is energy, plays a big role in the importance of water. Water is not only a way to cleanse ourselves and our energy, it is the source of all life on earth.
👉 Now, the most mind blowing fact about water is that it changes consistency because of its surroundings. This goes further than water turning from water into ice or vapor. This is about the fact that the moleculal structure of water never stops absorbing its environment and the energies around it.. Let me explain!
The Emoto Water Experiment
About two decades ago, Dr. Masaru Emoto discovered that water crystals change shape constantly driven by the energy in their surroundings. His book The Hidden Messages in Water became a huge best seller and its message is truly mind boggling when you hear about this for the first time! (I strongly recommend getting this book, just be ready for your entire world view to change..)
With his team, Dr. Emoto conducted several experiments with water. They researched what the water crystals looked like in water from different sources. They found out that water from clear springs has brilliant snowflake patterns, while water from a tap has dull and asymmetrical patterns.
The team also ran experiments where they exposed water from the same source to good and bad energy (positive thoughts versus negative ones). Amazingly, the water that was subjected to positive energy was showing the formation of beautiful crystals, while the water subjected to negative energy, was showing the opposite.
The same happened when the researchers played music (Mozart, Bach, Sting) to the water. Beautiful symmetrical shiny crystals began to form..!
–>> Find out HERE what the water crystals look like after the different exposures.
Another experiment they ran was the rice experiment. Watch a version of this amazing experiment here:
Why Would You Want To Spiritually Bless Water For Healing?
So if water changes its consistency based on the energy it is surrounded with, and our bodies are mostly made of water, the energy surrounding us literally changes the consistency of our body!
[Read the again.. ☝️]
This also means that not all the water we drink impacts our body in the same way 💧
There has actually been an experiment done with animals that were presented with two bowls of water: one bowl had tap water and one bowl had fresh spring water. All the animals went immediately for the fresh spring water!
❔What would you rather fill your body with? Water with pure beautiful symmetrical snowflake crystals? Or water with dull asymmetrical ones that has been chemically purified and run through a metal pipe system? 🤔
Now you are aware of how water is impacted by its surroundings, why not be mindful of the water you drink (and bathe in)? Of course we don’t all have the option of bathing in a pure spring each day, but we can at least be mindful of the water we drink 💧
Choose fresh mineral water if possible, or tap water with little chlorine, if that is what is available to you. Expose the water to good energies as much as possible! 🤍
How To Spiritually Bless Water For Health And Healing?
The great news is, you can easily spiritually bless your own water, no matter how polluted or chemically treated it is has been. Water always has the power to transform back into a healthier state. These are ways to do it:
- Send it positive energy – Send positive energy in the form of thoughts (Thank you, I love you, I appreciate you etc)
- Affirmations – Use positive affirmations around the water (and around your body, which is made of water too!)
- Give it Reiki – If you know how to give Reiki, do that! (Read more on Reiki in my post Reiki Energy Healing 101)
- Play uplifting music – Play uplifting music and place a glass or karaf of water close to it for a while
- Keep water away from electrical devices – Water also takes in the energy from electrical devices, so best to keep it away from those where possible
- Do not keep it in a plastic bottle – Glass is better than plastic as the water also absorbs the energy from any chemical surrounding it*
- Let the water sit still for a while so it can come back to life – when water is exposed to unnatural movement (through filtration systems, pipes, tabs etc) the crystals dull down and the water slowly dies off.
- Do not keep it near people with a low vibration – don’t eat or drink when you are close to people with a low vibration
*Another interesting experiment: a laborist left an ampule with toxic medication in a jar of water. The ampule was sealed so none of the toxic substance leaked into the water. Still when this water was given to lab mice after several weeks, all mice died (watch more here)
Why Do Some People Keep A Glass Of Water Next To Their Bed?
If you have trouble sleeping because of negative thoughts, anxiety or fears, keeping a glass of water next to your bed can help as the water absorbs these negative emotions. Just be sure not to drink the water the next morning! 😅