7 Life Lessons I Wish I Learned Sooner

Jan 22, 2023Self Development

Inspirational Life Lessons I Wished I Learned Sooner

7 Life Lessons I Wish I Learned Sooner

Jan 22, 2023Self Development

Inspirational Life Lessons I Wished I Learned Sooner

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Throughout our lives, we all learn our share of inspirational life lessons, but no matter how old we are, we will never be too old to learn more!

I honestly never thought that at 36 my best life was yet to begin 😊 There are some things in life, that once you finally get to see them, will truly set you free!

Some people may learn these things already when they are very young, some when they are older, and some may never learn them at all. Either way, I’d love to share mine with you, and maybe you will find it helpful! ✨

Side note: often theoretical advice sounds great, but if we are not sure how to actually put it into practice, it is still not very useful. Therefore, I will also share some tips on how to actually take action and apply this in your life.

1. If You Learn To Control Your Mind, You Control Your Life

This is probable THE most valuable lesson I have learned in life: If you learn to control your mind, you control your life.

We often feel as if our lives are driven by our circumstances and external events, but what actually shapes our reality, are our thoughts about those circumstances.

This may sound far fetched, but it really isn’t.

You ALWAYS have a choice in how you react to any situation.

That does not mean that a situation cannot be sad or harmful. And it’s ok to feel sad, angry or frustrated by it, but the most important thing to realize is that your thoughts are just thoughts. They don’t define you.

When you become aware of what thoughts you are having, you can begin to see those thoughts for what they really are and replace them with better ones.

By learning to become aware of this process, and by quieting your mind, you can train yourself to consistently get out of a negative cycle of thinking and create a new reality for yourself.

After all, your thoughts shape your emotions, your emotions determine your actions, and your actions shape your life.

Read that again 🧐☝️

How to put this into practice: To learn to control your mind, learn to meditate. It is a practice that you will get better at the more you do it. It may be challenging in the beginning, but when you stick with it, the benefits will be life changing.

If you are new to meditation, or just like some ideas to try, check out my Guide to Meditation.

2. The Best Is Yet To Come

I recently heard about a study that said that people feel as if the peak of there life is around the age of 23, which sounds as if it will only be downhill from there. I couldn’t disagree more!

No matter your age, realize that your best is yet to come (if only you learn to control your mind). It is never too late to learn and to improve yourself!

It is really all in your hands from this moment on.. 🙌

Sounds daunting? No! It is the greatest opportunity you will ever have.

In this moment, make the choice to get better and NOT get bitter. It is up to you to decide! 🤩

You can use everything that happens in your life (and every mistake you may have made) as a lesson that will guide you to become the best version of yourself 🤍

7 Inspirational Life Lessons I Wished I Learned Sooner

3. Happiness Can Always Be Found In The Here And Now

I realized that I was always looking for adventure, always looking for the next best thing, and thinking ‘if only I achieve/reach/obtain this, I will feel great’.

That is a trap.

Happiness can only be found in the current moment. And that is amazing news! It means that if we can learn to be present in the current moment, we can ALWAYS experience bliss.

This quote captures this really well:

“Always we hope someone else has the answer. Some other place will be better, some other time it will all turn out. This is it. No one else has the answer. No other place will be better, and it has already turned out. At the center of your being, you have the answer; you know who you are and you know what you want.”

– Lao Tzu

👉 Read my post about centering yourself, and you can always get into the present moment, no matter the circumstances. And if you haven’t yet, read the book The Alchemist by Paolo Coelho, it’s an amazing story that will change your perspective forever!

4. Always Trust Your Intuition

This lesson I had to learn the hard way. The few times in my life that I have ignored my intuition, I learned that in retrospect it has never been in my best interest.

For example, taking a job that I already felt was not for me, which of course turned out exactly as I knew it would. If only I had listened to my gut..!

You surely have experienced a situation when you just knew intrinsically what was the right thing to do, but still decided not to do it (for whatever reason).

Because we live in a society where there is a big focus on status, money, marital status, possessions etc, it is even more important than ever to realize that your intuition is your inner guiding light that ALWAYS knows where to go 🧭

No one can tell you what step you need to take, only you know that!

That is why developing your intuition is the greatest gift you can give yourself.

For some practical ways to do that, also read 15 Ways to Develop Your Intuition.

Lessons I wish I learned sooner

5. Your Uniqueness Is Your Superpower

What makes you different is what sets you apart from others and what will be your unique gift to the world.

When you are young, this might feel challenging as we all try to find our place in the world and try to fit in.

When you get older, you will (hopefully) start to realize that it is really boring to fit in! It is boring to be like everyone else!

Embrace your uniqueness and use them to your advantage. The world really needs to see your unique gifts! 🤍

6. You Will Only Be Happy If You Follow Your Heart

Everytime you make a choice to do the thing that keeps you safe, while you feel deep in your heart that you really want to take that risk, you are ignoring your soul’s desire.

Your soul, or inner self, knows what it wants. Often this is something that does not feel safe to do. Your ego (the mind) might come up with 100 reasons why it is better not to try, why it might fail, or why you shouldn’t do it, but in the long run, you are only lying to yourself.

The only way to truly feel fulfilled, is to listen to that niggling feeling, and find the courage to take the plunge, no matter the outcome.

This is the biggest act of self love thinkable! 😌

If you feel trapped by society’s expectations, you might want to read my post How to Escape the Culturescape.

7. You Are Capable To Heal Yourself From Trauma

This was a huge eye opener for me. I always believed that any big traumas were just things you would carry with your throughout your life, like scars that were just always there with us.

I believed that the open-minded innocence that we have as children is just not something that can be gained back. I was wrong..! 😱

You CAN heal yourself from trauma.

Every traumatic experience (as well as every positive experience) incites thoughts and emotions in the mind. All negative and sad experiences are stored in the body in the form of stress. Because these are low vibration energies, they can create energy blockages, which can develop into serious illnesses over time.

If these lower energies, or blockages, are not dealt with, they will be kept in the body and they will impact how you are feeling and developing.

The good news is, you can release these energy blocks from your body in several ways:

  1. Mind management: managing your thoughts and emotions. You can do this through meditation, replacing negative thoughts with positive ones, and using affirmations.
  2. Energy healing: This form of healing can remove the blockages from your body. It will get the nervous system in a state of deep relaxation which will help the body release blockages. If you want to know more, read my post Reiki Energy Healing 101.
  3. A Healthy Lifestyle: Eating healthy foods and exercising also has a huge impact on the energetic state of the body and mind.
  4. Grounding yourself: Grounding yourself means to get connected to your body and improve your connection with the earth. Reconnecting with nature is another great way to do this and to heal yourself! 🌿

The post was all about inspirational life lessons I wished I learned sooner.

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