Coaching session (60 min)

(6 customer reviews)


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This is a 1-hour coaching session with me, which will be held via an online call (with or without video, whichever you prefer). During this session, I will help you get the insights you need for the situation you have a question about.

These are areas I can help you with:

✅ Uncovering your life purpose

✅ Becoming your authentic self

✅ Overcoming fears and blocks

✅ Manifestation

✅ Intuitive development & protecting your energy

✅ Challenges in relationships

✅ Changing patterns, habits & limiting beliefs 

✅ Overcoming grief and loss


Book your session with me here:


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You can find more information about my coaching here:

6 reviews for Coaching session (60 min)

  1. Anita Visscher

    My favorite part of the session was when Linda helped me look at my problem from a different perspective, as well as the questions related to that, such as: “How do you feel about that?”. That really helped me to feel more deeply whether it is something I truly want from the heart.

    I would recommend Linda. She is a very open, warm coach who makes you feel at ease and helps you to look at your ‘problem’ from a different perspective.

  2. Marlous

    “I found my coaching session super enjoyable! Linda immediately puts you at ease and is very approachable. She showed me new perspectives and encouraged me to implement some tips right away. I highly recommend this to everyone, so book your session!”

  3. Sanne Feenstra

    I had a very nice conversation with you. I felt comfortable and could talk and share freely. It was also wonderful to talk while walking. It was a pleasant conversation because you took the lead in the conversation and kept the focus on the topic. You really provoked me to think differently about the topic and gave me the space to do so. You offered exercises and tips and truly listened to me without judgment. The conversation helped me see that I am already more on the right track than I thought I was, which gave me the enthusiasm I need to pursue the things that make me happy even more.

  4. Ilona Kroeber

    Before the session with Linda, I had some doubts whether an online session could achieve the same depth as a live session/conversation. Especially, because I barely knew Linda.

    I was very impressed by Linda’s holistic approach, which is why I dared to book a session and immediately open up vulnerably. Linda’s warm and open attitude gave me the confidence to discuss an issue from my past.

    This gave Linda the opportunity to apply the right method, which allowed us to quickly get to the core of the problem. By applying a visualization exercise, I was able to answer the problem myself. This was also my favorite part. It felt like a reconciliation with myself. And I can apply the visualization again in the future, if I experience any trouble from the past.

    I highly recommend Linda. She can empathize very well with the emotional & mental world of others. By navigating softly, but solution-oriented, she creates a stunningly logical solution for your problem.

  5. Sjoukje

    Ik vond het een erg prettige sessie met Linda. Haar vragen maakten mij bewust van al mijn ‘ja-maar-en’ en belemmerende overtuigingen. Door haar spirituele blik heb ik een andere kijk op mijn vraagstuk gekregen en ervaar ik meer ruimte en vertrouwen. En erg leuk dat ze daarnaast ook met hele praktische tips komt. Wat mij betreft een hele mooie combinatie!

  6. Richard

    Ik heb van Linda een life coaching sessie mogen ervaren. Het was fijn om in een gesprek met haar meer zelfvertrouwen en zelfcompassie te gaan voelen. Bij Linda voelde ik mij snel op mijn gemak en veilig waardoor ik in alle openheid kon vertellen wat me bezig houdt zonder oordelen. Dat laatste vind ik heel belangrijk, dat er oordeelloos naar me geluisterd wordt en ik zelf kan ontdekken waar ik aandacht aan mag geven. Het was fijn dat Linda een affirmatie adviseerde om meer zelfcompassie te gaan voelen.

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