Did you know that you might be more spiritually sensitive than you think? Check out these signs and see for yourself. This might surprise you!
Although some people are more sensitive to (spiritual) energies than others, I believe that everyone has the abilities to sense these energies to some extend.
When we take the time to switch off our busy minds, we often are able to discover that we are way more sensitive to subtle energies than we knew.
Once I learned to quiet down my mind, I started noticing (and developing) my sensitivity to energies. A lot of things fell into place for me, and working with these energies feels like such a natural thing to do now.
Read here what the signs are, and decide how spiritually sensitive you are. Let me know in the comments!
What Does It Mean To Be Spiritually Sensitive?
To be spiritually sensitive means to be sensitive to (spiritual) energies that cannot be perceived by everyone all the time, but that are all around us.
Because everything is energy, either in a very dense form (such as our bodies or our furniture) or in a very light form (the flow of air when you close a door or our aura), we are all part of the same energy grid and therefore all connected through our energy.
All of us have inherit psychic abilities and sensitivity to these energies (although some to a higher extend than others), but not everyone is aware that they do.
It is estimated that about 15-20% of people are highly sensitive, which means they have a nervous system that is more sensitive to external energies than most people. Check out the 16 signs below to see if this applies to you.
To show you how likely it is that most people can perceive these external energies, see how many of the questions below you can answer with ‘Yes’, and how many people you know will answer ‘Yes’ to (some of) these questions.
Many People Are Spiritually Sensitive (Without Realizing It)
In the book How To See And Read The Aura, Ted Andrews explains how most people have experienced, felt or seen the aura (energy) field of others before. However, most people unconsciously ignore this experience (because we are programmed to do so).
In his book, Ted Andrews states that, if you can answer any of the below questions with ‘Yes’, you have experienced an energy field that is not your own.
See for yourself if you can answer any of these questions with ‘Yes’. In that case, you also are spiritually sensitive. These are the questions:
- Do you sometimes feel drained after you have been in the proximity of certain people?
- Do you associate certain colors with certain people?
- Have you ever sensed that someone was staring at you?
- Have you ever strongly liked or disliked someone at a first impression?
- Have you ever strongly felt how someone was feeling, despite of how they were acting?
- Have you ever noticed someone’s presence before you had heard or seen them?
- Do you have certain colors, smells or sounds that give you a comfortable or an uncomfortable feeling?
- Do you get nervous and irritable during thunderstorms?
- Do you feel that certain people are more stimulating or inspiring than others?
- Have you ever entered a room that made you feel nervous, angry or on guard. Have certain rooms made you want to stay longer or leave immediately?
- Have you ever ignored a first impression you had with someone to later discover that you were right all along?
- Do you notice the difference in energies in different rooms? Do you prefer one room over another?
16 Signs You Are Spiritually Sensitive (Or Clairsentient)
It is likely that, being interested in this topic in the first place, you have answered ‘Yes’ to many of the questions above.
Additionally, the below 16 signs apply to people with a highly sensitive nervous system. With practice, anyone can increase their level of sensitivity even further (read more on that below).
The ability to sense energies is also known as clairsentience. To be clairsentient means that you can sense (spiritual) energies and changes in energies, both of the emotions of others as well as energies of entities around you.
Check out how many of these signs apply to you, and decide what your level of spiritual sensitivity is:
- You just know when someone is lying
- You sometimes just have a hunch or a deep knowing about something, but you don´t know why
- You strongly feel the energy in a space or a room
- You react very stongly to the emotions of others
- You come across as overly sensitive to others
- You are very sensitive to the news or sad movies
- You love animals and feel deeply for them
- When you feel an energy close to you, you feel it physically (f.e. you get a headache, throatache or feel a pulling or tingling sensation somewhere)
- You are very sensitive for changes in temperature
- You are very physically sensitive to certain (processed) foods, non-natural products or materials
- Heavy or dark energies make you feel very uncomfortable
- You can feel where others feel pain
- You can feel where energies are located in a space, how dense they are and how they are changing
- You quickly feel overwhelmed by crowds or groups of people
- You feel or have felt a breeze that didn’t come from outside or from someone’s movement
- You can feel as it your being touched or brushed by an energy
How To Develop Your Clairsentience?
Now, if you have established that you are spiritually sensitive and/or have experienced the energy field of other people (either consciously or not), you might want to develop your clairsentience further.
If you would like to do so, these are some things you can do to develop this:
- Meditate – Meditation will help you connect to your higher self and to tune into your senses even more. If you are not yet meditating, you can check out my Guide to Meditation to get started.
- Do Reiki – By doing Reiki you will strengthen and deepen your sensitivity and intuition.
- Try to pick up on the energy of objects or crystals – Breathe in and out towards the object and try to determine what its energy feels like. You will be amazed how much you will actually get to know about the energy of the object.
- Work with your Solar Plexus – The 3rd chakra, or Solar Plexus, is the place in the body where the ego connects to the intuition. If you are balanced here, you will strengthen your ability to feel into energies even more.
How To Protect Yourself Spiritually?
If you are sensitive to energies around you, you are likely to also have experienced energies that did not feel good. To protect yourself spiritually from these energies, there are several things you can do, of which one is most the important.
The Most Important Thing You Need To Protect Yourself Spiritually
Although there are numerous ways to cleanse a room and yourself from any bad energies, there is only one that you need and always have available to you: yourself.
Christina Lopes explains this very well in the video below. She explains how you don´t need to rely on anything or anyone outside yourself to protect you from bad energies.
Because your source frequency is higher and stronger than any bad energy around, all you need to do is to realize this. Once you do, and own the space with your energy, you will notice the lower vibrations will leave the space.
Other Things You Can Do To Protect Yourself Spiritually
In addition, if you like, there are several other things you can do to clear yourself or a space of bad energies:
- Strike yourself off. Start from your head down along your body. Repeat 3 times.
- Take a shower. The water will clear any bad energies from you.
- Visualize your inner light beaming so bright that you light up the room and outshine all energies that are in it, or imagine an energy shield around yourself.
- Use incense or palo santo to clear the room.
- Tidy up your space.
Thank you so much for this! I KNOW I’ve been guided to find your post/pages/video as I’ve been struggling – going back and forth – with this whole protection ‘lark’… Many years ago I kept being repeatedly told to protect myself, then that I wasn’t protecting myself enough; until I developed a whole system which I now repeat twice daily. But that’s becoming a real drag!
Being a sensitive, over the last few months, I’ve found myself becoming increasingly sensitive to the energies of EMF/EMR – which is (as I’m sure you’ll understand) isn’t all that great considering the age we live in and the associated technologies!!!
Like you talked about, I’ve been beginning to wonder what the upside to being a sensitive/empath actually is – considering that I’ve only been seeming to experience nothing but downsides… Thank you for re-minding me of the power I already have/am; and for the lightbulb moment you’ve helped provide me and allowed me to remember. I am always guided to that which I need at the exact moment I need it – for my highest good. Thanks again.