There are many ideas about what our chakra system looks like, and how many chakras we actually have.
In the Western world, the most well-known chakra system, is the 7 chakra system, which includes the 7 main chakras that are most close to our physical body.
The 12 chakra system also includes these 7 chakras, as well as 5 additional chakras that are part of our subtle energy body. These are the more esotheric chakras, if you will.
Although there are different opinions about what this 12 chakra system exactly looks like (and there are different ways of numbering these chakras), there are many similarities in how these chakras are viewed.
I have looked at all of these different interpretations, and will describe the system in the way that it resonates with me the most. Both the ideas on chakras from Ashley Dawn and Cyndi Dale, as well as Teal Swan’s view of the Soul Star chakra, are incorporated here.
What Are Chakras?
Chakras are the body’s subtle and metaphysical energy centers that convert our physical energy (what we can sense) into subtle energy. This is how we are connected to the universe.
In her Complete Book of Chakras, Cyndi Dale describes it as follows: “A chakra is the most powerful energetic force within and around the body. Useful for performing healing, attracting what we need, obtaining guidance and expanding and elevating our consciousness.”
We cannot sense these subtle energies with our ‘normal’ senses (seeing, hearing, smelling, touch), but they are all around us.
How Many Chakras Are There?
The most commonly known chakra system in the (Western) world today, is the 7 chakra system. This system includes the 7 main chakras that are closest to our physical body.
If you are not familiar with this 7 chakra system, read more about it in my Complete Guide to the 7 Chakras.
Be aware that the 7 chakra system as we know it, is just one of the ways of looking at it. Across different cultures and times, there are variations to this system. For example, some view the Heart chakra as the first chakra, while the 7 chakra system considers the Root chakra to be the first, etc.
Another often heard number is 144. There are supposedly up to 144 chakras, or even more than that. Those include all kinds of smaller chakras, energy centers. In order to get an understanding, it makes sense to focus on the main ones. Others say there are hundreds of chakras that extend very far outside our physical bodies.
12 Chakras
The reason that many people go with the 12 chakra idea is well explained by Ashley Dawn in her book Awakened Conversations.
She gained her knowledge about the 12 chakras through her own experience and channeling, and links the reason for there being 12 chakras to the recurring pattern of the number 12 in the universe:
It is said that there are 12 parallel universes, 12 levels of consciousness and 12 lives we have to live. In numerology, the number 12 signifies completion, there are 12 months in a year and 12 hours on the clock. Also, there are 12 signs of the Zodiac (of which the 12th sign, Pisces, is the most spiritually evolved), Jesus had 12 apostels, 12 angels and the nr. 12 in Greek mythology was linked to the cosmic order.
The idea of there being 144 chakras would also make sense in this context, as 12 x 12 equals 144.
Chakras 1 To 7
As mentioned, the most commonly known chakras are the chakras 1 to 7, starting at the Root chakra going up to the Crown chakra.
This post will be mainly focused on chakras 8 to 12, but below you can find a short description of the first 7 chakras’ color and theme.
Read the below mentioned article if you are not familiar with these 7 chakras.
Before working with chakras 8 to 12, it is necessary to stabilize/balance these 7 chakras first.

1. Root Chakra
Color: Red.
Theme: Safety and security.
Read more on the Root chakra here.
2. Sacral Chakra
Color: Orange.
Theme: Passion, joy.
Read more on the Sacral chakra here.
3. Solar Plexus Chakra
Color: Yellow.
Theme: Power, drive.
Read more on the Solar Plexus chakra here.
4. Heart Chakra
Color: Green.
Theme: Love for others and the self.
Read more on the Heart chakra here.
5. Throat Chakra
Color: Blue.
Theme: Expression, verbal communication.
Read more on the Throat chakra here.
6. Third Eye Chakra
Color: Indigo.
Theme: Intuition, inner knowing.
Read more on the Third Eye chakra here.
7. Crown Chakra
Color: Violet.
Theme: Connection to higher realms.
Read more on the Crown chakra here.
For more details on these 7 chakras and how to work with them, read my Complete Guide to the 7 Chakras.
Chakras 8 To 12
The chakras numbered from 8 to 12 are the chakras that are seemingly further away from our physical body. They are the gateways that connect our physical body to the earth, our soul and the universe (one step at a time). Each chakra links us to another layer outside ourselves that connects us further out into the universe.
The ways these chakras are numbered is not always the same, but also not that important. Generally, they are seen in a similar way.
These are the 12 chakras:

8. Soul Star Chakra
Color: Silver
Where: Around 6 inches/ 15 centimeters above the head
The Soul Star chakra is the gateway to our subtle energy body and our soul, and to all other chakras that connect us to the universe.
This is the chakra where our soul resides, and therefore this is where you can find your life’s purpose for this life.
When you are in alignment with your Soul Star chakra, you live authentically and in alignment with your inner calling. Your life in the physical world is an expression of your inner purpose. Your intuition is strong and leading.
The key to be in balance is to be committed to life in the physical world while being connected to your soul’s calling.
The Soul Star chakra is also said to be the home of the shamanic self and the gateway to the Akashic records. The Akashic records is where our higher self keeps all records of our light body being, meaning all information, lessons and purpose for our higher self’s different reincarnations.
The Soul Star chakra can be aligned through inner purpose visualizations, Merkaba meditation or breathwork. Use silver, celenite, celestite or pyrite for enhancement.
9. Solar Star or Spirit Star Chakra
Color: Gold/blue/green
The Solar Star (or Spirit Star) chakra is located above the head, above the Soul Star.
This is your (soul’s) connection to the spirit world. This is where you can connect to all your different spirit guides, any type of light body that is there to support you (ancestors, light bodies, angels, ascended masters).
This is also the channel you open when you are doing medium work. When you are aligned with this chakra and are able to access it, you will become an effortless manifestor.
Important: Before working with this chakra, make sure that your Earth Star is balanced and you are well grounded. When working with the Solar Star, you are accessing higher realms, which makes good grounding absolutely vital for your wellbeing.
10. Earth Star Chakra
Color: brown
The Earth Star chakra is located below your feet, between your feet and the earth.
This chakra is your direct connection to the earth (and your ancestral roots). It is what keeps us grounded and connected to our physical body and life. Without this connection, we would not be in the physical world, but because we are, the alignment with this chakra is vital to feel well.
The earth has the ability to heal and regrow good things out of it. The earth can clear us from toxins, and provide anything connected to it with a new beginning. No wonder we use the earth to discharge bad energies in practices such as Reiki and grounding.
Try this Earth Star Soul Star chakra meditation:
11. Galactic Chakra
Color: Rose
The Galactic chakra is an energetic field around you.
This chakra, also called the Galactic Gateway chakra, is the film that keeps our consciousness separated from the galaxy and the cosmic wisdom that is to be found there.
If you are able to connect (consciously) with your Galactic chakra, you can connect with higher vibrational beings (such as the Pleiadians). The energy of this chakra enables you to travel beyond space and time into other dimensions. This is therefore also the chakra that is linked to out of body experiences, Astral travel/projection, teleportation and bilocation.
We all travel to these places in our sleep and dreams, but less often we are able to do this consciously.
(Side note: You might like to read about the CIA report on Astral projection here. For decades, the CIA has trained teams intensively on Astral projection and bilocation at the Monroe Institute.)
12. Divine Gateway Chakra
Color: transparent
The 12th, or Divine Gateway chakra, is described as an energy field around the body and all the other chakras.
The Divine gateway is said to be connected to the center of the heart, and is how we are connected to the universal consciousness, or source energy.
People that have accessed this chakra describe it as love and light. This is the oneness that is source energy, the opposite of the duality/polarity that we experience in our physical world.
It is said that people that can access this chakra are gatekeepers that help stabilize the energy lines on earth. This is a source of the highest intelligence.
This is also the energy that many people with a near-death experience have described to have felt.. ✨
this was so wonderfully helpful for me as I was only really aware of the 7 chakras but was wondering what I am missing in terms of balance and this has answered every single one of my questions. very clear and concise thank you this was the best explanation i was able to find about the 12 chakras thank you so much for this <3
Thanks, Lea! I’m glad that you found it helpful 😊