Reconnect. Heal. Free yourself.
Do you want to experience more freedom in your life?
Do you want to figure out what your life purpose is?
Are you done hiding your best self from the world?
Then it is about time that you start living & feel more connected, energetic, and alive!
>>> Download my Ebook, it’s free! 😊

Nice to meet you!
I am Linda.
My whole life, I’ve been searching for something.
I always felt there was something I needed to find, but I didn’t know what exactly. A sense of freedom. Some kind of adventure.
It took me decades to figure out what it was I was trying to find… But eventually I found it, in the most unexpected way!
I found the answers to my life-long quest… in the forest! Isn’t that crazy?
After sitting in silence for hours on end, my mind got so quiet that everything suddenly made sense to me. In an instant, I found the answers I had been looking for all my life.
The quietness of my mind together with a mind boggling encounter with a group of roe deer, completely shifted my world view.
It’s hard to explain in words, but the experience opened something in me. A sense of connectedness that I had not yet experienced before.
After I left the forest, I instantly knew that things had changed. That I had changed. I knew this was the beginning of a new life. A freer life.
This was the epic adventure I had always dreamed of!
When I came home, an intense journey of reconnecting, healing and self development began.
By sheer coincidence (or was it?), I also discovered the power of energy healing. Without any expectations or knowing what it was, I received a healing and a very strong invisible force lifted a heavy weight of my chest that caused me to be unable to breathe deeply for years!
That’s when I knew I had discovered an extremely powerful force that could cure and heal me in a very natural way. I was so floored and also intuitively knew I was meant to become an energy healer myself.
In addition, I learned how to change my thoughts and feelings, and leverage my energy in a way that could help me live the life I had always dreamed of (read more on that below).
Although my journey continues and the best is yet to come, I have never felt as light and free as I’m feeling now!
“Reconnect with yourself, find your life purpose & heal from pain, so you can build a life that you love.“
my products & services
In my free Ebook ’10 Steps to Inner Freedom’, I’ll share ten essential steps in the process to help you feel more free.
These are all things I wish I found out sooner! It’s the book I wish I had a few years ago…
If you’re looking to find freedom only through changing your the outer world, you’ll never fully succeed. Only when you turn inward, work with your mind, and free yourself of conditioning, can you feel free.
If you struggle to find your life purpose, you may be looking in the wrong place: something is blocking you from finding it.
Because finding your life purpose takes more than your mind. And it takes more than making lists of your strengths, talents, and passions (although those are certainly helpful!).
It takes reconnecting with your inner voice. It takes creating awareness of what is blocking you. It takes a strategy to find the answers!
In this workbook, you’ll find a complete & practical strategy to help you find your life purpose. It includes many fun, helpful exercises and questions to guide you on your journey.
Spiritual Life Coaching
Spiritual life coaching can offer you insights and a shift in perspective that you need to change.
As a spiritual life coach, I can help you improve your life on these 4 levels:
*the physical
*the mental
*the emotional
*the spiritual
Because to find the fulfillment that you’re looking for, it is key to work on all these 4 levels! If you disguard one, there will always be a ‘missing piece’.
These are areas I can support you in:
✅ Finding your life purpose
✅ Becoming your authentic self
✅ Overcoming fears and blocks
✅ Intuitive development & protecting your energy
✅ Challenges in relationships
✅ Changing limiting patterns, beliefs & habits
✅ Overcoming grief and loss
Click below to:
Get more information about my coaching
Schedule a discovery call (30 min)
Book an online coaching session (60 min)
(or contact me for an in-person session in Haarlem, NL)
Energy healing is a great method to help you feel happier, lighter, and more free.
You can book an Ankh/Reiki Energy Healing with me. Click the link below for more information.
Did you know energy healing can be sent and received over any distance?
Therefore, you can receive healing from the comforts of your own home, anywhere in the world.
I know this may sound strange, but it’s something you can only experience for yourself. Simply be open and allow yourself to discover the unseen world of energy.
Benefits of energy healing are:
✅ It supports your body’s natural healing capacity
✅ It can help you feel more calm and relaxed
✅ It can boost your mood and help you feel more positive
✅ It can help release pain and trauma from the body
✅ It can help you relieve stress and anxiety
✅ It can help you release fears and
Click below to:
Get more information about my energy healing
Book a Distance Energy Healing (Reiki/Ankh)
(or contact me for an in-person healing)
Tarot Reading
The tarot is an incredible coaching tool. It contains the wisdom of life and can reflect the workings of your inner world back to you effortlessly.
Because the tarot contains the wisdom of life, it is an amazing tool for insight and guidance.
Ask me a question about your life, and we’ll ask the Tarot for advice.
(or contact me for an in-person reading)
You are not your thoughts
Imagine being free from the tyranny of your own mind.
Imagine being able to choose how you feel, instead of being at the mercy of your thoughts.
Imagine being able to live a life of joy, peace, freedom and authenticity.
This can be your life too. This is a reality that you can create for yourself.
But how?
Simple: Understand that you are not your thoughts.
You may have heard this before, but do you really understand what it means?
It means that you are not the voice in your head that constantly judges, criticizes, worries and complains. You are not the stream of thoughts that runs through your mind every moment of every day.
You are something else. Something deeper. Something more powerful.
On a deeper level, you are only the observer of your thoughts.
You are the one who can watch your thoughts without getting attached to them. You are the one who can decide which thoughts to follow and which ones to let go. You are the one who can control your mind, instead of your mind controlling you.
And when you can control your mind, you can also control your emotions and feelings.
You can choose to feel happy, calm, peaceful or any other positive emotion that you want.
Does this sound too good to be true?
It’s not. It’s possible. And it’s easier than you think!
All it takes is some practice and awareness.
You can start right now by paying attention to what you are thinking and feeling. Notice how your thoughts affect your emotions and actions. Notice how some thoughts make you feel good and some make you feel bad.
Then, try to detach yourself from your thoughts. Don’t identify with them. Don’t believe them. Don’t let them define you.
Just observe them as they come and go, like clouds in the sky. (Meditation can help you practice this.)
And then, choose the thoughts that serve you best. Choose the thoughts that make you feel good. Choose the thoughts that align with your values and goals. Choose the thoughts that empower you and inspire you.
By doing this, you will discover the secret key to a free life.
You will discover what it means, on a sensory level, that you are not your thoughts.
You are so much more than ‘just’ your mind.
You just need to be open to experience it.
Set yourself free!

My Approach
If you´re unhappy, or feel something is missing from your life, you’re not alone.
We all struggle with a sense of disconnection from ourselves from time to time. But many people go without ever realizing when their mind, body, and soul are not aligned.
It’s understandable; we live in a chaotic, and often disconnected world. Now more than ever!
Because we have so many options and distractions, we forget to take the time to connect with ourselves.
You try to find freedom and happiness in the outside world by changing your career, house, relationship, finances, friends, etc. But the truth is, you´ll need to reconnect with yourself first.
Otherwise, no matter how rich or successful you become, you’ll still feel unfree and disconnected.
By quieting the mind, working with your energy, and learning to feel connected on a deeper level, everything else will fall into place unavoidably!
Do you feel as if you are carrying a weight on your shoulders? Do you often feel sad without a clear reason?
Past pain and trauma can get stored in your body when unprocessed or released. It then causes energetic blockages.
Those blocks can cause pain, sadness, or discomfort and develop into illness/disease over time.
The more freely your energy can flow through your body, the better you feel.
Therefore, it is vital to release pain and trauma from your system.
To feel truly free, you’ll need to heal yourself!
If you dare to embark on this ‘healing journey,’ you’ll experience a profound sense of freedom that doesn’t depend on your outside circumstances.
You can release blocks (pain and trauma) from your system by creating awareness and working with your mind, but that’s only one part of it.
You’ll also need to release the blocks from your body. Because body and mind continue to feed and communicate with one another.
Energy healing is a great tool for this.
Free yourself!
You may wonder: if this is so freeing, why doesn’t everybody do it?
Because it takes courage, honesty, discomfort and acceptance. Not always easy!
If you take full responsibility for your triggers, thoughts, and actions, you’re taking full responsibility for your life and your reality.
That can be painful. But it’s also the most freeing thing you can ever do!
You always have a choice in how you react to any situation. No one can ever take away your freedom of choice. Never.
Because you’re in control of your reality (how you experience the world), you can shape it any way you choose!
The less you let your happiness depend on the outside world, the more free you become.

Take the first step today
You can have the life you’ve always wanted.
But you do need to keep taking steps.
Reconnecting with yourself and healing is a process, and it takes time.
But it’s also the most valuable thing you can ever do!
Your life will change immensely if you dare to go down this path.
Don’t wait too long; you won’t live forever. Take the first step today.
If you have a question, feel free to message me!