Why Tarot Is So Powerful

Apr 5, 2024Tarot

7 wonders of tarot

Why Tarot Is So Powerful

Apr 5, 2024Tarot

7 wonders of tarot

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I love tarot!!

I love how it gives me insight into my personal growth and healing;
I love how it teaches me the ancient wisdom of life;
I love how it feeds my intuition;

No matter the situation, tarot always helps me see a different perspective. (I can’t rant enough about how amazing it is, but I guess it’s something you have to experience for yourself…)

Since I began to do regular readings for clients, it has been incredible to notice the energetic cycles happening around us.

Nothing is as random as we might think. The synchronicities are endless!

Every day, I feel grateful that this is now my work, and to see how tarot can help us all through the challenges of our life! 😊🙏

I’m curious about you! What is your experience with tarot?

These are 7 wonders of tarot that show how 78 cards can make your life more fun!

1. Insight: Tarot Helps You See What’s Hidden About Your Life

Because we see things from the limitations of our mind, we only see a fraction of reality. The tarot gives you a higher perspective. Often not what you think…!

Yes, we all want to get out of a challenging situation as fast as possible. But sometimes a pattern keeps recurring until you learn what you are meant to learn from it. The cards can provide insight in what the situation is trying to help you see.

2. Life Purpose: Tarot Guides You To Your Desired Future

What do you want to see different in your future?

Tarot can help you see what you can do to align with what you desire. Not just physically, but also energetically.

Ask the cards how to get to where you want to be, and they will show you what you can do to get there. Then it’s up to you to decide what you do with the advice.

3. Alignment: Tarot Helps You Align With Your Spirit

Do you feel inspired by your day-to-day activities?

Where do you feel a sense of lack in your life?

When you ask the tarot for advice on your situation, you’ll get an advice based on your current perspective, and it will show you ways to enhance it.

What does your soul truly want from you?

The perspective will often surprise you, and might not be at all what you expect!

4. Reflection: The Tarot Is A Mirror

The tarot reflects your inner world back to you. That makes it a great tool for personal growth.

It’s often hard to see your own patterns, because you stand too close (while it’s easy to spot patterns in others).

If you want to understand how you are blocking yourself, and how you can grow past it, tarot can give you this insight!

The cards reflect your perceptions back to you, which is priceless, because all growth begins with self-awareness.

5. Growth: Tarot Helps You Develop Yourself

When you work on your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual growth, you will naturally feel happier and more free.

Although your dreams might feel completely out of reach right now, they were planted in your heart for a reason!

Understandably, your fears get in the way, so you don’t take action, and keep yourself stuck.

Tarot can help you understand what is going on ‘below the surface’, and what you can do to grow into the person you are meant to be.

6. Life’s Lessons: Tarot Teaches The Ancient Wisdom Of Life

The tarot consists of 78 cards that, together, contain the wisdom of life from a spiritual perspective.

The Major Arcana: These 22 cards follow the Fool’s journey -from birth to death- and all the stages of human development.

The Minor Arcana: The remaining cards show the more everyday aspects of existence.

7. Transformation: Tarot Can Change Your Life

We often learn to focus on the physical and mental realm only, when it comes to our personal development, forgetting our emotional and our spiritual body.

In the day-to-day polarity of life, keeping an open heart and making choices from a place of love can be a real challenge! That is why spiritual development is so important for our well-being.

I love how tarot helps you find deeper insights and answers along your journey.

It’s life-changing, if you ask me!

Would You Like To Receive A Tarot Reading?

I’m an experienced Tarot reader, have done hundreds of readings for clients, and helped them gain deep insights in their journeys. (and I’m doing the same for myself!)

During the reading, you can ask a question about your life, and you’ll get in-depth insight into your situation. You will also get useful guidance that will help you move closer to your goals and dreams.

The Tarot always mirrors the things you are not seeing! (which is priceless, if you ask me)

If you want to receive a personal & in-depth reading, send me an e-mail, or book your reading directly via my site. Readings can be held via chat, phone call, video call, or in-person.

Any questions? Feel free to reach out (I won’t bite!).

What question do you want to ask the tarot? 😊🎴

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