Do you also keep hearing about the Age of Aquarius, and do you wonder what it is all about? So was I! I did some research and here is what I found..
This is a time of huge transformation on earth. If you like to know how to get through this in a positive way, keep reading!
While this may sound like a time where we are supposed to struggle, you might be surprised. This could become the best time of your life! 🤍🪐✨
Welcome To The Age Of Aquarius
What Is The Age Of Aquarius?
When astrologers speak of ‘an age’, they are referring to a time of around 2150 years. This is the time that the earth takes to rotate between two Zodiac signs.
We are now around the time where the earth is moving from the sign of Pisces into the sign of Aquarius. If great astrological shifts cause great changes in the energy that we are experiencing on earth, this shift will be of great significance to us.
While we are all experiencing the changes that are happening around us, it is interesting to wonder if and how these events are affected by astrological changes..
When Does The Age of Aquarius Begin?
There is no consensus among astrologers about the exact date on which we move into the Age of Aquarius. Some say that we moved into it in 2012, some believe it happened in 2020 or will happen in 2022 or even in 2025.
It is said that the exact start of the Age of Aquarius is marked by the moment that the line between the signs of Pisces and Aquarius reaches the vernal equinox point. Although that sounds logical, there is no clear answer on when that exact moment is taking place. Check out this article for more details about the start of the Age of Aquarius.
Pluto shifting into Aquarius
Another interesting shift, that is happening around this time, is the move of Pluto into Aquarius.
Pluto is a generational planet and is known to mark a new generational era on earth. Pluto stays in a sign for about 240 years (the longest of all planets- besides the earth), and will shift into Aquarius in March of 2023.
This is an interesting shift as it is happening around the time of transition into the Age of Aquarius. This would mean that these Aquarian energies will be extra powerful.
If you like to know more about the shift of Pluto, check out my post Astrology March 2023: An Upcoming Spiritual Revival.
Why Is The Age Of Aquarius Important?
The Age of Aquarius is important because astrological shifts, such as this one, seem to be in line with huge historical changes that we have experienced on earth.
Although people disagree about the impact that astrological events have on us humans, we can probably all agree that we are connected to much larger forces than we can grasp.
(Just look at the impact of the moon on our daily lives and bodies..)
What Will The Age Of Aquarius Bring?
The sign of Aquarius is an interesting and rebellious one (never a dull moment 😉). Aquarius is ruled by the Air element and is a masculin powerful energy.
The Age of Aquarius is expected to come with huge technological advancements, much faster than we have experienced in the past. It is a very impactful and fast moving energy that will propel us forward into a new world.
The slogan of the Aquarian Age is ‘Power to the people’, which refers to the evolution of people becoming more aware of their own power and their own impact on the world.
The (Humanitarian) Power Of The Individual
People will start to rely more on their own power and capabilities to make change, rather than depending or relying on external forces, such as governments, to change things for them.
It is likely that we will experience more power struggles between centralized and decentralized energies while moving into this new era.
The advancement of technology will also play a vital role in the outcome: will all these technological advancements be used to serve the good of all, or will they be used in a more destructive way?
That is still to be determined..
Fortunatily, Aquarius also embodies a very strong humanitarian energy.
Rationality vs Intuition
While people will become more aware of their personal power and independence, there will be a renewed focus on the importance of relying on our intuition, rather than solely on our rational minds.
This will spark a renewed interest in connecting with nature and an understanding that we are spiritual beings. This will consequently and unavoidably cause a shift in consciousness where we will start to look past our 3D perception of reality.
What Can You Do To Survive The Transition To The Age Of Aquarius?
To ensure a smooth transition for yourself, and to make this a great time in your life, rather than a time of suffering and struggles, make sure to focus on these 8 things:
1. Embrace Change
If you want to make the transition into this new period comfortable and positive for yourself, you need to embrace change.
Whether you like it or not, change is on the way and there is not much we can do about it, except for accepting it and understanding that everything in life is cyclical.
The future has not been written yet, and we can now make the change we want to see in the world. The energies to manifest these changes are greater than ever RIGHT NOW, so this is the time to shape your future 🌞
2. Contribute Something Positive
How would you like the world to become in the future? What can you do right now to make a contribution in that direction?
It can be as small as radiating a positive attitude to others. Making someone’s day with a smile, can multiply to 10 others or more (who knows!). Never underestimate the effect of your actions 😎
(If you are going through a hard time right now -I’m so sorry to hear that!-, and not feeling positive at all: read this)
3. Get Creative
Let your creativity flow and create something that is useful to others (anything that will brighten up someone’s day) 🎨
4. Realize That You Are Powerful
Where outside forces can feel extremely overwhelming, and you can feel very small in the midst of all the chaos, you are not. Because we are all connected, the energy that you radiate, will affect everything around you (think Law of Attraction).
A small spark (or great idea) can set a whole forest on fire. You just need to find the courage to express it!
5. Develop Your Intuition
Every day we are getting overflown with information. It has become impossible for anyone to ingest it all and fully understand everything that is going on around us. Fortunately, we can always rely on our intuition.
While your mind is constantly chattering and you are trying to make up your mind about what you believe to be true. Your gut already knows.
Learn to quiet your mind and tune into your intuition so you will always have your inner compass to fall back on when things just get too crazy.. 🧭
6. Meditate
Have a meditation practice. Meditation will help you to quiet your mind and make you understand how you are not your thoughts.
If you are new to meditation, or just like to find some new meditations to try, check out my Guide To Meditation.
7. Learn To Control Your Fears
Learn to control your fears by observing them from a distance. If you master this, you will master your life. Read more here: How To Not Let Fear Hold You Back.
8. Work On Your Mindset
Mindset is everything. Your thoughts control your emotions and your behaviors. A positive mindset is more important than ever to get through this transition in a great way.
The energy to manifest things in your life is now greater than ever, so be sure that you are manifesting things from a positive mindset. This can multiply fast right now! (On the contrary, being stuck in a negative mindset can cost you greatly because of this too, so be careful what you ask for 🙂)
Want To Know More?
👉 For some fun ideas, and to learn more about Astrology, check out my post 11 Astrology Essentials for 2023 🤩🌛🪐
For more Astrology posts, go HERE.