Do you care about your health? Then you care about chakras 🙂 The chakras in our body are the energy system that makes up how we function and how we feel. After reading this Chakras Explained Complete Guide, you will know everything you need to know about chakras, and you will know how you can heal yourself 🙌
That’s right. You can heal yourself.
When I got my first energy healing (which was completely unplanned), I was amazed by the effects that it had. I got so intrigued that I wanted to learn everything there is to know about energy healing and the working of our chakras.
And now I love to share all this with you in this guide. It has all you need to know about chakras when this is new to you!
- Chakras 101: The Basics
- Healing And Balancing Your Chakras
- Activating And Opening Your Chakras
- Why Do You Need To Activate Chakras?
- How Do You Know Which Chakra To Activate?
- What Are The Benefits Of Opening Chakras?
- How Do You Activate Chakras In Your Body?
- Which Chakra Should You Open First?
- Should Chakras Sometimes Be Closed?
- How Do You Know If A Chakra Is Opening?
- How Do You Know If The Third Eye Is Opening?
- What Is The Pineal Gland And Why Is It Important?
- What Happens When You Open All Your Chakras?
- What Is A Kundalini Awakening?
- Working With Each Of The 7 Chakras
- Chakras And Levels Of Consciousness
- Chakras And The Tarot
- Which Chakra Personality Type Are You?
- How Many Chakras Do Animals Have?
- What Foods Heal Your Chakras?
- More About Chakras
Chakras 101: The Basics
What Are Chakras?
Chakras are interconnected energetic centers in our body that together form our body’s energetic system. Each chakra correlates with different parts and organs in the body, and each chakra affects different mental and emotional responses.
How Many Chakras Does The Human Body Have?
The main core chakras in the human body are the 7 chakras you see in the image below: the Root chakra, the Sacral chakra, the Solar Plexus chakra, the Heart chakra, the Throat chakra, the Third Eye chakra and the Crown chakra.
Throughout thousands of years, many additional smaller chakras have been found, of which many are outside the body. This adds all the way up to 114 chakras in total.
The 7 chakras I focus on in this post are the major (and most well-known) chakras in the body.
The 12 Chakra System
There are 5 other commonly known chakras you may have heard of, together these make up for the 12 chakra system.
If you like to know more, read my post The 12 Chakra System.
Why Are Chakras Important?
The chakras form your body’s central energy system. If there is a blockage in one of your chakras, the energy is not able to flow through the body freely. For that reason, if you are not feeling well, if you are experiencing physical discomfort, stress, illness, or are low in your energy, it is important to check the state of each of your 7 chakras.
The Difference Between Healing, Balancing, Activating And Opening Your Chakras
There is a difference between healing, balancing, activating and opening your chakras. There are many opinions on what these differences are. Here is how I will use the terms throughout this post:
Healing: By healing your chakras I am referring to freeing the chakras from blockages.
Balancing: By balancing your chakras I am referring to bringing the chakras in balance with each other. This means checking if a chakra is overactive or underactive, and resolving the disbalance.
Activating: By activating your chakras I also mean developing them. To an extend, all chakras are always active, otherwise our bodies would not be able to function. However, a chakra can be activated more (for the enery to become more powerful) during spiritual activity.
Opening: I believe that opening a chakra is somewhat like activating it. Certain chakras can stay ‘closed’ until it is time for them to be opened. A good example of this is the opening of the third eye chakra. That is unlikely to happen naturally when the lower chakras are not in balance.
(Side note: Before you start to actively work on activating or opening your third eye, work on healing and activating your other chakras first. Trying to open the third eye without being grounded and stable, can have some unwanted effects, but more on that later.)
Healing And Balancing Your Chakras
Why Do You Need To Heal And Balance Your Chakras?
Every bit of emotional pain or stress is stored in our body. Every time we do not process this pain properly, we store the pain somewhere in our body and we create a self-protective pattern in our behavior somehow.
This causes energy blockages and causes for the energy to not flow freely, which can cause all kinds of problems at a later stage. That is why you want to heal and unblock your chakras.
Small blockages of energy can grow into bigger ones if they are not tended to. That can eventually cause disease. For that reason, it is important to tune into your body regularly and find out where the blockages are.
Pain around a certain area or organ of the body, or having a certain emotional respons/trigger, can be an indication of which chakra is blocked.
When all chakras are in balance, you feel lively and energetic. You are healthy on a physical, mental, emotional and a spiritual level.
How To Know Which Chakra To Heal First
Each chakra affects a different part of the body and triggers a different emotional respons. Pay attention to your behavioral patterns as well as to where in your body you feel discomfort. Then check which chakra that could be related to.
The more in tune you are with your body and your intuition, the easier it will become to identify which parts need healing.
To better tune into your body, do a body scan meditation, or do Reiki. The more you are in tune with your body, the easier it will be to notice blockages.
Skip to Working With Each Of The 7 Chakras to find the symptoms of disbalance for each chakra.
Why Do Chakras Get Blocked?
Because everything is energy, so are our thoughts, are emotions and our bodies. Our body strives to be in alignment and for its energy to flow in the highest possible frequency.
When we experience trauma, negativity or hurt, the body has to process this energy that has a lower frequency. This energy gets stored in the body until it is actively healed and released.
When this energy stays in the body for a while, and is too intense for you to feel all at once, the ego creates a shield to keep you going (and protect you from feeling the pain).
Although this is pretty amazing, it also causes a blockage in one or more of your chakras until you release the energy from it.
What Emotions Block Chakras?
Emotions that can cause blockages in your chakras are emotions with a lower frequency such as anger, sadness, fear or disappointment.
This is the reason why resolving or healing any blockages can be done by raising your vibration (your energy) through practices such as meditation, using affirmations, visualizations, eating healthy foods and exercise.
Which Chakra Is Blocked By Loneliness?
The chakra that is blocked by loneliness is the Heart chakra.
Where Do Men Store Trauma Most Often?
The chakra where men store trauma most often is in the Heart chakra.
Where Do Women Store Trauma Most Often?
Women store trauma most often in the womb.
How To Heal And Balance Your Chakras
Once you have established which chakras need healing, you can try the following methods to free them of blockages and bring them back into balance:
- Food – Eating healthy foods that stimulate certain chakras is one of the most important ways to heal. Find a full list of foods and recipes for each chakra here.
- Meditation – Meditation is a great way to heal your chakras from blockages, bringing them into balance and activating them. Try one of the meditations suggested below in this post. If you are new to meditation, you may want to check out my Guide To Meditation as well.
- Affirmations – Use affirmations to empower the chakra you are meditating on. You can find some affirmations further down in this post, or you may find it helpful to use Chakra Healing Cards or a book on chakra affirmations instead.
- Visualizations – Visualizations are wonderful. Probably my favorite thing to add to any meditation! The meditations suggested below use visualization as well. Or if you want to learn this technique yourself, I strongly suggest getting the book Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain. (I absolutely love this book!)
- Yoga – Yoga also helps to align and balance your chakras. Check out the yoga poses that go best with each chakra below in this post.
- Crystals – Check out the crystals that you can use with each chakra below in this post.
- Sound bowls – Sound bowls are a lovely way to balance your chakras. You feel the frequency resonate. Find a chakra sound bowl meditation online, or get your own Crystal Singing Bowl. Chanting can have a similar effect.
- Energy Healing – Energy healing, such as Reiki, is fantastic for healing yourself and removing energy blockages. Read more about Reiki and energy healing in my article Reiki Energy Healing 101.
- Essential Oils – You can use essential oils during your practice that go with the chakra you are working with. (I love this! Especially the oils that come from trees) Try this 7 Chakra Essential Oil Blend for a complete set of oils.
Below in Working With Each Of The 7 Chakras you will find the best meditations, affirmations and crystals and essential oils for each chakra.
Activating And Opening Your Chakras
Why Do You Need To Activate Chakras?
Each chakra has its own function in the body. When a chakra is overactive or underactive, it is not in balance. This will show in certain physical symptoms and behaviors.
For example, when the Root chakra is underactive, you can experience pain in the lower body, low resistance in your immune system, experience fear, feelings of disconnect, low self-esteem or low concentration etc.
In this case, the Root chakra needs to be activated. You will benefit from any Root chakra work (see examples below).
A chakra can become underactive when there is a blockage in that chakra. A chakra can become overactive when it is compensating for a blockage in another chakra.
How Do You Know Which Chakra To Activate?
To know which chakra to activate or rebalance, look at which physical symptoms (discomforts) and behaviors are not serving you. Those will be an indication of which chakras need work.
Skip to Working With Each Of The 7 Chakras to find the symptoms of disbalance for each chakra.
What Are The Benefits Of Opening Chakras?
Opening certain chakras can help you heal more fully, release yourself of bagage and past grievances, and open the door to spiritual work.
A great example of this, is the opening of the Heart chakra. When you open the Heart chakra and remove its blockages, the chakra will become more vulnerable (for that reason, the lower chakras need to be balanced first!), but you will also experience more self-love and love toward others.
Opening the Third Eye chakra can improve your psychic abilities and abilities to do deep spiritual work. Because opening the chakra leaves it in a vulnerable state, it is good to rebalance all chakras after actively working with the third eye.
How Do You Activate Chakras In Your Body?
You can activate chakras in your body by focusing on a particular chakra through meditation, chanting, affirmations, eating chakra specific foods, yoga, sound therapy or visualization.
Which Chakra Should You Open First?
When you are new to working with your chakras, begin with the Root chakra and work your way up. Really take the time to bring the Root chakra (and each of the other chakras) in balance before you move one up.
Should Chakras Sometimes Be Closed?
When a chakra is overactive (which can happen when it compensates for a blockage in another chakra), it can be advised to temporarily close off the chakra to limit physical discomforts, until the other blocked chakra has been healed. This can, for example, be done by a specialized energy healer.
An example of this is when the third eye chakra is overactive, and other chakras are not in balance, you can experience migraines, pressure on the head and continuous visions and dreams. In such a case, it could be helpful to temporarily close the third eye until it is safe to reopen it.
How Do You Know If A Chakra Is Opening?
Each chakra has its own function. When a chakra is opening, you will feel its energy flow more strongly. For example, when the Root chakra is opening (after it is blocked), you can experience a feeling of safety, self-confidence and a lack of fear.
How Do You Know If The Third Eye Is Opening?
When your Third Eye is opening you can experience the following symptoms:
- Pressure on the head
- Headaches
- Seeing light flashes and colors (during meditation or when you close your eyes)
- Active dreams
- Seeing visions or images (that you know do not belong to you)
- Stronger intuition
For everything you need to know about the Third Eye opening, check out my post What Happens When The Third Eye Is Opening? In this post I share my personal experience opening the third eye, why you would want to open the third eye, what the symptoms are (in more detail) and what to look out for.
What Is The Pineal Gland And Why Is It Important?
The Pineal Gland is a vital part in our brain that is what manages our circadium rhythm and is believed to connect us to the higher world. Still to this day there is an air of mystery around it.
Read all about this interesting pine cone shaped gland in my post How is the pineal gland related to the third eye? and 11 ways to improve its function.
What Happens When You Open All Your Chakras?
When all chakras are open you will feel like your in a state of bliss. You feel connected to the universe and everything around you. You will feel love for everything that lives.
What Is A Kundalini Awakening?
A Kundalini awakening happens when the powerful universal energy (Shakti) that is stored around the bottom of the spine, begins to move upwards along the spine, in order to eventually come out throught the crown chakra.
This can happen instantaneously or it can take a very long time. You can have multiple Kundalini awakenings throughout your lifetime.
People that have experienced a Kundalini awakening describe it as an amazing, very intense but also freeing experience. When this energy is released, it excelerates your healing and dramatically increases your level of consciousness.
Also read: Kundalini awakening vs spiritual awakening: What’s the difference?
For more about the Kundalini awakening, watch this video:
Working With Each Of The 7 Chakras
The Root Chakra
Root Chakra Energy: Balanced vs Disbalanced
Root chakra energy: Safety, security, stability, grounding, connection with the earth, confidence, trust, calm, high self-esteem
When overactive: Indecisiveness, resistance to change, extreme attachment to material possessions, extreme eating or sexual behavior
When underactive: Fear, insecurity, feeling of disconnect, no lust for life, low self-esteem, irritable, low concentration, rigid
Physical symptoms: Eating disorders, pain in lower body, lower back pain, any type of digestion issues, weight gain or loss, low resistance in the immune system
Root Chakra Meditation
Root Chakra Affirmations
I am
I am here and I am safe
I feel at home in my body
I know myself. I love myself. I honor myself.
Root Chakra Crystals
- Aragonite
- Smoky quartz
- Hematite
- Garnet
- Black Tourmaline
- Red Adventurine
Root Chakra Yoga Poses
- Mountain pose
- Child’s pose
- Standing forward bend
Root Chakra Foods
You can find a full list of best foods for the Root Chakra in my post here. This also includes some recipes.
Essential Oils For Root Chakra
- Cedar
- Pine
- Sandalwood
The Sacral Chakra
Sacral Chakra Energy: Balanced vs Disbalanced
Sacral chakra energy: Fun, freedom, creativity, pleasure, passion, adaptability, curiosity
When overactive: Tendency for drama, mood swings, jealousy, obsessive sex life, sensitive to addiction
When underactive: Low energy, depression, emotionally unstable, not feeling inspired, shame, low sex drive, lack of creativity
Physical symptoms: Fertility issues, sexual disfunction, lower back pain, tiredness, blatter issues, kidney failure
Sacral Chakra Meditation
Sacral Chakra Affirmations
I am joyful
I love my body
I experience abundance
I am creative, full of passion and inspiration
I am open to all the universe has to offer
Sacral Chakra Crystals
- Tiger’s Eye
- Carnelian
- Citrine
- Red Jaspis
- Orange Calcite
Sacral Chakra Yoga Poses
- Pigeon pose
- Camel pose
- Goddess pose
Sacral Chakra Foods
You can find a full list of best foods for the Sacral Chakra in my post here. This also includes some recipes.
Essential Oils For Sacral Chakra
- Orange
- Ylangylang
The Solar Plexus Chakra
Solar Plexus Chakra Energy: Balanced vs Disbalanced
Solar Plexus chakra energy: Power, drive, motivation, high self-esteem, resiliance
When overactive: Overly dominant, overpowering ego, an unhealthy strive for perfection, quickly irritated by others, judgemental
When underactive: Indecision, low self-esteem, feeling victimized, feeling lost or aimless
Physical symptoms: Digestion issues (stomach, liver, pancreas), heartburn, nausea, middle back pain, stomach problems, bloating, ulcers
Solar Plexus Chakra Meditation
Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations
I can
I am powerful
I have everything I need to manifest my dreams
I am confident
I will achieve what I want
Solar Plexus Chakra Crystals
- Pyrite
- Citrine
- Yellow calcite
- Lemon quartz
Solar Plexus Chakra Yoga Poses
- Warrior pose
- Plank pose
- Extended triangle pose
Solar Plexus Chakra Foods
You can find a full list of best foods for the Solar Plexus Chakra in my post here. This also includes some recipes.
Essential Oils For Solar Plexus Chakra
- Lemon
- Eucalyptus
- Peppermint
The Heart Chakra
Heart Chakra Energy: Balanced vs Disbalanced
Heart chakra energy: Love, compassion, kindness, forgiveness, connection
When overactive: Giving too much, lack of healthy boundaries, extremely high expectations of others, jealousy
When underactive: Feeling undeserving of love, distrusting of others, loneliness, retraction, disconnection from the world, lack of compassion, unable to forgive, self judgement, depression
Physical symptoms: Higher back pain, shoulder pain, pain on the chest, short of breath, heart failure, issues with blood preasure, issues with the longs or respiratory issues
Heart Chakra Meditation
Heart Chakra Affirmations
I love
I love myself. I accept myself. I forgive myself.
I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.
I am one with all that lives.
My heart is strong and safe.
Heart Chakra Crystals
- Rose quartz
- Green aventurine
- Green calcite
- Green fluorite
Heart Chakra Yoga Poses
- Bridge pose
- Cobra pose
- Low lunge
Heart Chakra Foods
You can find a full list of best foods for the Heart Chakra in my post here. This also includes some recipes.
Essential Oils For Heart Chakra
- Rose
- Lavender
- Jasmin
The Throat Chakra
Throat Chakra Energy: Balanced vs Disbalanced
Throat chakra energy: Authenticity, communication, visionary, self expression, independent
When overactive: Talking too much or too loadly, not listening to others, not listening to your intuition, judgemental
When underactive: Afraid to speak up and share your opinion, not expressing yourself authentically, dishonesty, self judgement, fear of not being good enough
Physical symptoms: sore throat, dental issues, sore neck, tense jaw, thyroid disfunction
Throat Chakra Meditation
Throat Chakra Affirmations
I speak
I am free to speak my truth
I stand up for myself and others
I listen
My voice is powerful and I will use it for the good of all
Throat Chakra Crystals
- Turquois
- Amazonite
- Aquamarine
- Blue apatite
Throat Chakra Yoga Poses
- Cat pose
- Camel pose
- Fish pose
Throat Chakra Foods
You can find a full list of best foods for the Throat Chakra in my post here. This also includes some recipes.
Essential Oils For Throat Chakra
- Mint
- Peppermint
- Eucalyptus
- Tea tree
The Third Eye Chakra
Third Eye Chakra Energy: Balanced vs Disbalanced
Third eye chakra energy: Psychic abilities, inuition, inner guidance, trust, consciousness, decisive
When overactive: Being overwhelmed by visions and dreams, out of touch with reality, lack of stability and grounding
When underactive: Out of touch with intuition, lack of purpose in life, low concentration, overanalyzing things
Physical symptoms: Headaches, migraines, insomnia, nightmares, visions
Third Eye Chakra Meditation
Third Eye Chakra Affirmations
I trust my inner wisdom
I keep an open mind
I see the bigger picture
I am grounded and my third eye is open
I am open to wisdom from inside and outside of myself
Third Eye Chakra Crystals
- Lapis lazuli
- Sodalite
- Angelite
Third Eye Chakra Yoga Poses
- Dolphin pose
- Humble warrior pose
- Double pigeon pose
Third Eye Chakra Foods
You can find a full list of best foods for the Third Eye Chakra in my post here. This also includes some recipes.
Essential Oils For Third Eye Chakra
- Sage
- Cypress
- Rosemary
The Crown Chakra
Crown Chakra Energy: Balanced vs Disbalanced
Crown chakra energy: Higher consciousness, love, compassion, kindness, calm, connectedness, seeing beauty in everything
When overactive: Overly attached to material possessions, compulsive consumerism, excessive thinking, an overly active mind, feeling disconnected from the world, arrogance
When underactive: Feeling disconnected, depression, feeling aimless, restlessness, ungrounded
Physical symptoms: Headaches, migraines, tiredness
Crown Chakra Meditation
Crown Chakra Affirmations
I am peaceful
I am here
I honor the light in me
I am open for the wisdom of the universe
The universal energy is flowing through me freely
Crown Chakra Crystals
- Celestite
- Clear quartz
- Amethist
- Selenite
Crown Chakra Yoga Poses
- Lotus pose
- Tree pose
- Corpse pose
- Head stand
Crown Chakra Foods
You can find a full list of best foods for the Crown Chakra in my post here. This also includes some recipes.
Essential Oils For Crown Chakra
- Myrrh
- Sandalwood
- Vetiver
Chakras And Levels Of Consciousness
The 7 chakras are also linked to levels of consciousness, where the Root chakra would be the most basic level of consciouness, and the Crown chakra would be the most evolved level of consciousness.
You can find more on this in my post The 7 Chakras And Levels Of Consciousness:
Chakras And The Tarot
If you are interested in the Tarot, and want to know how the chakras are represented, also read Tarot and the chakras: How are the chakras related to the Tarot?
Which Chakra Personality Type Are You?
To find out which chakra personality type you are, check out my post Which Chakra Personality Type Are You?
What Is Your Chakra Spirit Animal?
Your chakra spirit animal is linked to your chakra personality type. Find your chakra personality type first, (check the post mentioned above), then find your chakra spirit animal in my post What Is Your Chakra Spirit Animal?
How Many Chakras Do Animals Have?
Animals have 8 major chakras and several minor chakras. You can find more about chakras in animals here.
What Foods Heal Your Chakras?
To find a complete overview of what foods heal your chakras, including some recipes, check out my post What Foods Heal Your Chakras?
More About Chakras
If you like to know more about chakras and start working with them, you might like the book Chakra Rituals: Awakening The Wild Woman Within.
It gives some practical tips on how to create your own chakra rituals.
To go a bit deeper into your healing, you might also like The Ultimate Guide To Chakras: The Beginner’s Guide to Balancing, Healing, and Unblocking Your Chakras for Health and Positive Energy.
The book includes some exercises such as journaling, meditation, and working with spirit guides. It has everything you need to get started.
Have fun!