How do you know if Reiki works is a commonly asked question by people. Whether you haven’t tried Reiki, or whether you have tried but did not feel anything, you may wonder if it actually works.
Before I started practicing Reiki, I asked myself the same question. However, as soon as I began practicing Reiki on myself and others (I am a Reiki level 2 practicioner), I started to experience the great things that Reiki can do for you!
I will first explain what Reiki is and what it can do for you, and I will answer the question of how to know if it works. I will also answer the question about how many Reiki sessions are generally needed.
Any questions or remarks, let me know in the comments!
What Is Reiki?
Reiki is a technique of energetic healing that relaxes the body and the nervous system to encourage the body’s self-healing ability.
Reiki means ‘universal energy’. During a Reiki session, the universal energy (or Reiki) flows through the Reiki healer and is transfered to the person who receives the Reiki.
The energy finds its way through the body and has a healing effect, both physically and mentally. Reiki is all about finding the balance between body and mind.
What to expect from your first Reiki session? (+ 9 tips for the best experience)
What Does Reiki Do For You?
We are more than just our physical bodies. We have an energy field around us (the aura) which cannot be seen by everyone, but is a vital part of our being and our health.
Every illness starts out as an energy block in our energetic field. The blockages make their way into our bodies where they can eventually develop into an illness, if not resolved. These energy blocks are created by stress or trauma.
There are many ways to work through stress and trauma and release the energy blocks from the body, and Reiki is one of the ways to do this.
Reiki can prevent energy blocks from developing further and therefore create a feeling of relief and lightness (this can be on a physical, emotional and spiritual level). It activates the natural healing abilities of the body as follows:
Reiki switches the nervous system from the sympathetic mode to the parasympathetic mode, which is the body’s restorative mode where it is able to heal itself. The effects of Reiki are comparable to what an acupuncture session can do for the body.
You can experience the power of Reiki when you take the time and conscious effort to practice it. If you are open to receiving it, you will be surprised what it can do for you.

How Do You Know If Reiki Works?
So, how do you know if it works?
Whether you are giving or receiving Reiki, there are many physical symptoms that will indicate if the Reiki is working. Even if you find it hard to feel into your body, there are plenty of physical indicators that you can look out for.
Most of the below symptoms I have regularly experienced myself, both while giving and receiving Reiki.
How To Know If Reiki Works When You Are Giving Reiki
If you are giving a Reiki treatment, you can notice the client’s body showing the below mentioned symptoms. These are all indications that the body is going into relax mode and tense energy is released from the body.
Below in this list there are also certain things you cannot see happening physically, but you can feel them through your hands when you are tuned in. You can also experience some of the physical symptoms yourself when you give Reiki when the client’s energy is released through you.
Look out for the following:
- Intense relaxation or falling asleep
- Growling of the stomach
- Burping
- Swallowing
- Coughing
- Body twitching (for example a finger or an eyelid can start to twitch)
- Uncontrolled movements of the body or a part of the body (these can be heavy shakes also)
- Feeling cracking or popping in the body through your hands (this can be felt after tuning in)
- Feeling where the client is experiencing pain in the body or feeling where the energy gets stuck and does not flow through (this can be felt after tuning in)
- Feeling where excess energy is stored. It can feel warm or cold in that area (this can be felt after tuning in)
If you find it difficult to tune in and feel the energy, then I recommend practicing the Centering Exercise in this article regulary. This will help you learn how to tune in and clear your mind quickly.
How To Know If Reiki Works When You Are Receiving Reiki
If you are receiving a Reiki treatment, you can notice the following symptoms during or after the session:
- You get into deep relaxation
- You fall asleep
- Your mind is very quiet
- You feel tingling or warmth in your body
- You feel temperature changes in your body
- You notice that memories or emotions come up unexpectedly
- You need to cry
- You feel a little popping or airflow when an energy block is released
- You are dreaming more intensly after the session
- You feel lighter after the session
- You feel less prone to react emotionally to a situation
- You feel a sadness has been lifted
I would like to give a shout-out to Andrea from the Mainstream Reiki channel on Youtube (see her video below). I really liked her video on this topic! Check it out if you would like some more details regarding some of the physical symptoms described earlier.
How Many Reiki Sessions Are Needed?
How many Reiki sessions are needed there is a rule of thumb that says to start with 4 sessions in 2 weeks and see how you feel after that. From there, decide what feels good for you. Because Reiki is a very inuitive process, this will be different for everyone.
When you are feeling stressed or anxious, one single Reiki session can already be the trigger to start releasing some of the excess energy from your body!
An Example Of What A Reiki Session Can Look Like
To get an idea of what a Reiki session can look like, watch the video below. Because Reiki is an inuitive process, each session will be different and can be set up in a different way by different Reiki healers.
The best Reiki healers are very well tuned in to the client and can sense exactly where in the body there are blocks and where they need to focus the energy.
Want To Know More About Reiki?
If you would like to read more about Reiki, read the book Essential Reiki by Diane Stein. This is one of the most complete and well-known works to read if you want to understand how Reiki works.