10 Alternatives If Meditation Does Not Work For You

Sep 29, 2022The Mind

Alternatives If Meditation Does Not Work For You

10 Alternatives If Meditation Does Not Work For You

Sep 29, 2022The Mind

Alternatives If Meditation Does Not Work For You

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What if meditation does not work for you? Don’t worry! It’s ok. Maybe it’s just not the right time for you to get into meditation, or you are expecting too much in a short amount of time. Or maybe you are too hard on yourself when your mind keeps wandering (which is totally normal!).

Whatever the reason, there are plenty of alternatives if you are looking to get your body and mind in a state of deep relaxation. Try them and see what works for you.

Because I really do believe that everyone can benefit from meditation, I will also give 10 reasons that can cause you to feel that meditation does not work for you (and what you can do about it).

10 Alternatives If Meditation Does Not Work For You

If meditation does not work for you, but you want to experience the benefit of deep relaxation of body and mind, here are 10 alternatives you can try:

  1. Go For A Walk In Nature – Go for a walk in nature without your phone or music. Walk slowly, focus on your breath and observe how your body feels. Take in your surroundings, breathe in the fresh air and enjoy the moment.
  2. Give Yourself A Foot Massage – When you are stressed or just want to relax, a foot massage can really help you to ground yourself and get out of your head. Because a foot massage stimulates the whole nervous system, it will affect your whole body in a positive way.
  3. Get Creative – Draw, paint, zentangle (or something else that you feel drawn too). Take a few deep breaths, try to clear your mind and draw or paint whatever comes to mind. Don’t overthink it, just see what happens and enjoy it.
  4. Do Some Stretching Or Yoga – Put on some relaxing music and do some stretches or a short yoga session, it will help you relax.
  5. Create A Self-Care Ritual – Take some time out for yourself. Light some incense or a sented candle and take a bath (or a shower and sprinkle a few drops of essential oil on the floor). Read a book or listen to your favorite music. Make sure you are comfortable and are not disturbed.
  6. Book A Reiki Treatment – A Reiki treatment helps you relax and will release negative energy and stress from your body. This is a great alternative for a meditation.
  7. Sing Or Hum Your Favorite Tune – Singing or humming helps your body to release energy and relax. It creates vibrations that have a similar effect on the body as listening to sound bowls.
  8. Jogging – Jogging is a great way to get into a meditative state. Find a pace where you can still talk and get into the rhythm.
  9. Make Music – Play an instrument if you know how to, or learn to play an instrument and get lost in the moment.
  10. Plan A Wellness Day – Go to a spa or wellness (or create the equivalent at home) and fully relax in the warm sauna or hottub.

10 Reasons Why Meditation Does Not Work For You (And How To Fix It)

Have you tried meditating and feel that meditation does not work for you? Check out the following possible reasons for this, and what you can do to fix them (if you want to).

I believe that everyone can benefit from meditation, but there can certainly be some barriers that can keep you from experiencing those benefits.

The benefits of meditation go beyond relaxation of body and mind. Learning to change your state of mind through meditation, can help you reprogram your beliefs and connect to your inner voice. If you are interested in improving your life, this is the most valuable thing you can do for yourself!

Here are 10 reasons why meditation does not work for you (and what you can do about it):

  1. Your Mind Keeps Wandering – You find that your mind keeps wandering or chattering when you are meditating. Don’t worry, that is totally normal. Especially on a day where you are feeling stressed or you are just busy, it can take longer to quiet down the mind. Accept when this is the case and be thankful to yourself that you are taking the time for your meditation practise. Don’t expect the world, just keep meditating and you will see progress after time.
  2. You Can´t Sit Still – You can. Even if your mind is telling you that you cannot. Observe your feeling of restlessness, acknowledge it, but don’t let it define you. You are not your thoughts.
  3. You Can´t Focus – Your mind it too busy to focus, that can happen. If you do your meditation during the day, shift it to early morning after you wake up, or in the evening before you go to bed.
  4. You Get Bored – In our daily lives, we are used to be constantly entertained. It is ok to feel bored sometimes. Your mind needs that. Try to focus on your body, it really needs your attention too. How does your body feel at this moment? Where do you feel stress or pain? This is the moment to let that go.
  5. You Get Impatient And Don’t See Results – Let go of your high expectations and trust the process. You will benefit from a regular meditation practise but don’t expect the world after a few tries.
  6. You Are Not Consistent – Make meditation a habit and try to see it as a moment for yourself. In this moment, you don’t have to do anything, you don’t have to think of anything, you can just be.
  7. You Give Up Too Easily – If you only do one thing for yourself this year, do this. You will not regret it. If you master your mind, you master your life.
  8. You Don´t Have Time – Stop making excuses and lying to yourself. You do have 5 or 10 minutes a day, it is just a matter of deciding what is important to you: watching Netflix or improving your life?
  9. You Fall Asleep – If you fall asleep every time you are meditating you are definitely relaxed, which is good! If you are trying to fall asleep in the evening, keep going, but otherwise try shifting your practise to the middle of the day.
  10. You Keep Getting Ideas While Meditating – If you keep getting ideas when you are meditating, you are creating the space and calm to receive those ideas. Good on you! If you don’t want to forget these ideas, write them down and continue with your meditation.

If you would like to give it another try, start with one of the 10-minute recommended meditations from my Guide To Meditation.

This post was all about 10 Alternatives If Meditation Does Not Work For You and 10 Reasons Why Meditation Does Not Work For You.

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