Telepathic Communication: Is Telepathy Real?

Nov 30, 2022The Mind

Telepathic communication - Is telepathy real

Telepathic Communication: Is Telepathy Real?

Nov 30, 2022The Mind

Telepathic communication - Is telepathy real

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Have you ever wondered: Is telepathy real? And is telepathic communication really possible? I have asked myself these questions in the past, but never found the answer through my own experience. Until now. .

This happened to me by accident. It started while I was spending some time in the forest, and an amazing thing happened that can only be explained by the possibility to communicate through our energy (you can read my full story here).

Since that moment, I have researched more about the topic, but above all, I have experienced first hand how we are able to communicate telepathically, and I have been able to do so myself. Keep reading, I will explain this in more detail..!

What Is Telepathy?

Firstly, let’s define what telepathy, or telepathic communication, actually is..

I think the definition in the Britannica Encyclopedia is spot on:

“Telepathy, direct transference of thought from one person (sender or agent) to another (receiver or percipient) without using the usual sensory channels of communication, hence a form of extrasensory perception (ESP).” 

Is Telepathy Real?

Now, ask yourself this:

Have you ever..

Have you ever experienced a situation where you thought of someone, and right at that moment (or shortly thereafter) that person called or messaged you?

Have you ever thought of a person right before you ran into them?

Have you ever felt that someone was watching you (while they were)?

Have you ever known exactly what a person was going to say right before they said it?

If you have, there is a big chance that you were telepathically connected in that moment.

But ok, we live in a world were we like to have rational proof and confirmation of what we believe and experience, so let’s see what the science says about telepathy..

What Does The Science Say About Telepathy?

An important mention to begin with, is the fact that the field of Parapsychology has made up an important part of science throughout history.

We know that ancient Greek philosophers were very interested in this field, but also closer to our current era, the study of energy (waves, radiation etc) has always been of interest among scientists and inventors.

Think of quantum physics, and the fact that Albert Einstein and other great inventors, such as Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla, swore by tapping into their intuition as their main source of information. They all had in common a great intrigue for the energetic fields around us.

Another good example is Isaac Newton‘s interest in alchemy (read more about that here).

Somehow this interest has dimished over time when we started to make the assumption that science needs to ONLY use an objectified way to establish facts and validate our assumptions.

Although this is understandable, it is also limiting. Especially because psychic events are especially known to occur randomly and are not easily reproducible (but that doesn’t mean they didn’t happen).

The field of Parapsychology experienced a surge in interest around the 1970ยดs and 1980ยดs, but in the last decades, the interest seems to have waned significantly.

Brain waves and telepathy

Modern Day Science

In our modern day and age, science has been proclaimed to be a process of objectification through which we can find proof for a certain hypothesis.

As valid as that may seem, this puts us in a box too.

Especially when we start to assume that if something has not be scientifically proven, it cannot be true.

Because in many ways, telepathic study cannot be objectified and reprodruced in the same way as certain other objects of study, telepathic communication can be disgarded as irrelevant or non-existent.

But does that proof that it does NOT exist?

[Read that again โ˜๏ธ]

Or are we thinking in a box (where the edges are time and space as we know it)?

Time And Space

With the assumption that telepathy is real, comes the inherent assumption that time and space as we know it, might not be what we think (reason being that telepathy can seemingly occur over any distance, and psychic events can predict future events).

That is huge.

That would mean that all our foundations and scientific assumptions based on objectification of events would crumble.

That is a rude awakening..

Maybe too much for our human minds to handle (?)

When we become aware of our biases when it comes to change and pre-made assumptions, we are naturally not inclined to go after this.

After all, admitting that the work we have done, and conclusions we have drawn, are not valid, would be a tough exercise for most of us.

It would profoundly change the way we see the world..

Recent Interest In Telepathy

Now, in the light of the above mentioned assumptions, you might like this fact:

A scientific study from 2014 has shown (through actual objectification) that mental telepathic communication is possible. By use of an EEG, scientists proved there had been communication through brain activity between two people.

You can read about this study in an article on Psychology Today here, or watch a video with a more detailed explanation from a neuroscientist here.

This objective proof of telepathy is said to be a new discovery by science, which is great! (don’t get me wrong), but let’s not forget that there have been accounts of telepathic communication among many native tribes for ages. (Check out the book Tribal Telepathy if you like to know more on this topic)

Have we been too blind to consider that the people in those tribes may not have been making this up?

Telepathic communication may sound new to our modern ears, but it has been around for much longer than we are aware of.

The Sheep Goat Effect (And The Famous Gorilla)

So how is it possible that some people experience extrasensory impulses themselves and others just don’t?

The answer lies in the Sheep Goat Effect (or maybe you are more familiar with the famous gorilla experiment, but more on that later!)

Before I get into what the Sheep Goat effect is, answer the following question for yourself:

If you don’t see something, does it mean that it is not there?

Read that again.. ๐Ÿง

“If you don’t see something, does it mean that it is not there?”

The Sheep Goat experiment demonstrates how we can have a blind spot for what we do not focus on. (Credits to Dr. Dean Radin who explains this very well in this video)

In the experiment, the sheep are the believers in ESP, and the goats are the non-believers in ESP.

An ESP test was run between the sheep, the believers in ESP, and the goats, the non-believers in ESP, the results were as follows:

The sheep, who believed, scored high in the test of perceiving extra-sensory impulses, versus the goats, who did not believe, who scored low in the test of perceiving the same extrasensory impulses.

The people that were sceptical did not experience the impulses as much as the people that believed it exists.

This implies that if you don’t believe it, you are not going to experience it. ๐Ÿ‘‡

This implies that if you donยดt believe it, you are not going to experience it.”

And this is were the gorilla comes in.. ๐Ÿฆ

The Invisible Gorilla

The famous invisible gorilla experiment (watch the video below!), has shown that half the people that are asked to focus on the amount of times a ball is being passed around, completely miss the giant gorilla walking through the middle.

This is so amazing!

As mind-boggling as this seems, this is our reality..

We tend to only see things when we focus on them.

So now answer this question one more time:

“If you don’t see something, does it mean that it is not there?”

Is it possible that YOU have a blind spot for something?

Quantum Mechanics

Ok, a little bit more science.. You have probably heard of quantum mechanics.

Do you fully understand this? I surely don’t. But the below video is a great starting point to understanding what it is about..

In a nutshell: According to quantum mechanics everything, literally EVERYTHING, is made up of waves.

(So are we, and so is our brain. Check out my article on brain waves too if you like to know more)

We cannot see the waves, but we can see the material objects that we call our world. Between the two, there is a measurement barrier where the waves transform from something we cannot see, into something that we can see.

Watch the double slit experiment in the video for an example of how this works.

The point is: there is a huge gap in our knowledge.

To this day, science has not been able to determine how the waves collapse and transform into something that we can see (even though we have been very successful at measuring the waves by themselves).

Because we don’t know how the waves transform into the material that we can see, we can only go after our own experience when it comes to extrasensory perception.

Therefore, the ability to keep an open mind to what is and what isn’t true, is our most valuable asset.

(That is, if you can live with the knowing that we don’t know s*** ๐Ÿ˜…).

How Can YOU Communicate Through Telepathy?

So now we are getting to the good stuff. How can YOU communicate through telepathy?

Keep An Open Mind

Before I get into that, one more mention on how important this keeping-an-open-mind thing is..

I am all for scientific deduction and research, and I also believe that you should ALWAYS question things, and decide for yourself what you believe to be true or not.

Whatever your conclusion is, be sure to always keep an open mind to ANY outcome, and realize that there is so much more that we don’t know, than that we do know.

When it comes to telepathy, like I said earlier, I have accidently come to experience it for myself. Hence why I know it to be real (but definitely DO NOT take it from me!).

So, now that you have an open mind, I feel comfortable to share my own personal experience with you..

My Spiritual Awakening Experience

During some time I spent in nature, I got to experience a moment of spiritual awakening. This may sound woo-woo to some, but what it really was, was a profound experience of feeling (and a deep ‘knowing’) how everything is energy and how everything is connected through that energy.

There was a magical encounter with a group of deer, that could have only happened through this energetic connection, which led me to start my spiritual quest into trying to understand and discover this further.

If you like, you can read my full story here (it will be a bit too long to list it all again in this post!).

Energetic Healing

This experience led me to dive into the workings of our mind and how we relate to nature, which out of curiosity, led me to join a full moon ceremony one day.

Completely unexpectedly, I received an energy healing from someone. I had, honestly, no idea what that was or what it could do, but it opened my eyes completely!

I had some pain in my body for a while that was subtracted from my body during this healing. It is hard to describe in words, but it felt somewhat like a pulling and pushing force at the same time.

I was stunned..

If this is possible, then were does it end..?

I decided the next day, when it had some time to sink in: I want to learn to do this.

Distance Reiki

I started to learn Reiki. What I knew was that Reiki is a form of energetic healing that works by using different hand positions on the body.

What I didn’t know is that it is possible to give and receive Reiki from a distance.

Any distance.

So someone can be on the other side of the world or in the room next to you. It doesn’t matter.

During my Reiki 2 course I learned how to do this.

My Experience Receiving Distance Reiki

When I received the Reiki from a distance from someone, I was stunned.

I felt exactly when it started and when it stopped. There was a flow of energy going through my body. Kind of a tingling sensation. Kind of like when you are wearing a static sweater..

At this point, I was convinced that it worked and that it is possible to telepathically connect with someone and send them energy that they can clearly sense.

How does distance Reiki work

My Experience Giving Distance Reiki

Since then, I have given distance Reiki to several people, all in different locations around the world, and they all described a similar experience.

For example, one time when I started to give Reiki to someone, I felt a very heavy and sad energy (that was not mine). After some time, the energy suddenly changed into bright sunshine.

After the session, the person that received the Reiki told me that she was very stressed and had a headache, which had disappeared after the session.

One note to make is that all the people I gave the Reiki to are frequent meditators who are able to clear their mind and feel into their bodies very well. If a person is not able to do this, it can be more difficult to sense the energy.

If you like to know more about Reiki and distance Reiki, check out this post:

Other Forms Of Telepathy

There are of course many other forms of telepathy such as psychic visions about events in other people’s lives, and mediums connecting with other people’s loved ones, but because those are not communications between people directly, I will not get into those here.

I would like to keep it close to my personal experiences of telepathic communication, which I have personally verified with other people (for the sake of scientific objectification ๐Ÿ˜‹).

How To Experience Telepathic Communication For Yourself

If you would like to experience telepathic communication for yourself, I would suggest the following:

  • Meditate (If you like to get started or get some ideas for new meditations to do, you can check out my Guide To Meditation)
  • Tune into how your body feels
  • Tune into the energies around you
  • Try to sense the energy of different objects (crystals are good to start with, but every single object has its own energy)
  • Try a distance Reiki session
  • Learn Reiki for yourself

Remember, the more you are able to center your mind and tune in to the energies around you, the more likely you are to pick up on them.

Have fun! โœจ

This post was all about Telepathic Communication: Is Telepathy Real?

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