Whether you are new to meditation, or you are a more experienced meditator, you might like to use some of these meditation tools to enhance your practice.
Although the great thing about meditation is that you don’t need anything to do it, and you can do it at any place and at any time, these 10 things will surely add to your experience and comfort! 🤗
1. Foldable Meditation Cushion
The first thing I got when I started meditating, is a meditation cushion. I especially like this Foldable Meditation Cushion.
What is great about this one, is that you can sit on it the same way as on a round meditation cushion, but this one gives some extra support under your ankles (which, in my opinion, is very welcome during a longer meditation session 😅)
Another great thing is that this cushion comes in many different color combinations too!
2. Foldable Meditation Bench
If you tend to feel pain in your lower back quickly (it’s not uncommon!) while meditating, this Bamboo Foldable Meditation Bench with Cushion is a great alternative to a meditation cushion or just sitting on the floor.
I personally like to use a bench on days when I start to feel my back.
Although it is good to get comfortable with being uncomfortable sometimes, when pain becomes too distracting, it is better to look for a more comfortable alternative (rather than giving up your practice alltogether!).
3. Mindful Messages Affirmation Cards
If you want to have some inspiration for your meditation, pull on of these Mindful Messages Affirmation Cards and meditate on the affirmation.
I find that using affirmations while you are in a state of deep relaxation, is a great way to feel happier and lighter.
What I like about this deck in particular is the clean design and the bright colors! ☀️
4. Meditation Journal For 90 Days
If you like to consciously work on improving your wellbeing, this Calm Meditation Journal will help you to do just that.
During 90 days, every morning and every evening, you reflect on your stress level and how you are feeling overall.
The journal is the support you need to help you put in place the daily habits that you need to improve your wellbeing. It supposedly takes about 2 months for a habit to become engrained in your life, so after 90 days you will be solid! 🙂
4. Essential Oils With Diffuser
I absolutely love to use essential oils during a meditation session! This set of 6 Essential Oils with Diffuser will not only give a great smell to your space, but also gives of a calming feel with its woodlook.
The essential oils are of good quality and the scents are Lemongrass, Sweet Orange, Tea Tree, Lavender, Eucalyptus, Peppermint.
To use the diffuser, you just fill it with some water (as per the instructions) and add a few drops of oil. The diffuser has a timer and also switches itself off when all the water has evaporated.
5. Breathing Buddha
Although I am not too crazy about a lot of gimmicky stuff, this tiny buddha makes me smile. You can put this Breathing Buddha for Guided Breathing Meditation on your desk (or nightstand) and it will help and remind you to do a breathing exercise several times per day.
This can really help with feelings of stress and anxiety you may experience during the day! This will also work great for children.
It lights up in 3 colors, each indicating a part of the breathing cycle: Green Buddha means inhale during 4 seconds, Purple Buddha means hold your breathe for 7 seconds, Blue Buddha means exhale for 8 seconds 😌
6. Koshi Chimes
I absolutely LOVE the sound of Koshi Chimes! 🤗 You can use them before or during your meditation, or hang them near a window, in your garden or on your balcony.
The sound that comes out of these chimes is so soothing, you instantly feel the effect that the sounds have on you!
There are chimes for each chakra, they all play a different chord. If you are not sure which one to get, go for the Root chakra chime (in the C chord) first. It will stabilize your foundation at the start of your practice.
7. Healing Crystals Set
This Healing Crystals Set comes with a selection of crystals, a sage smudge bundle, a pendulum, a candle, a wooden box and a very cute little journal with the text ‘So Above, So Below, As Without, So Within’ 💙
I really like the selection of crystals in this set: amethyst, clear quartz, black tourmaline, rose quartz, a selenite wand, and 7 chakra stones.
If you like to get started working with crystals during your meditation practice, this is a great set to start with. With the smudge you can clear the crystals when you receive them. Don’t forget to charge them afterwards!
8. Incense
If you prefer incense over essential oils (or just like to use both at different moments), try a variety of scents with this 12 Incense With Holder Set.
I mostly use essential oils during a meditation or Reiki practice, but every now and then I prefer incense. It just has a different feel to it.
This is a nice basic selection if you like to try it for yourself 🙂
9. Tibetan Singing Bowl
Use this Tibetan Singing Bowl Set to add an extra dimension to your meditation practice. It is a compact one, so it is easy to bring along with you when you are going somewhere.
The soothing tones that a singing bowl produces, stimulate the healing process within the body. The sounds also help you to fall into your relaxation more easily.
10. Shamanic Drum
If you feel a bit ungrounded, using this Shamanic Drum before or during your meditation session will help you ground and get you into a deeper state of relaxation.
The sound of the drum is closest to the beat of our hearts, and is therefore the most primal instrument that we can use for grounding and getting into a trance or a state of flow.
Did I already mention how much I love the artwork on this drum..? 🤩
More Meditation Inspiration?
If you would like to get some ideas for new meditations to try (or different types of meditation), check out my Guide To Meditation.
You may also find this helpful if you are new to meditation and would like to get started! ✨