When everything around you feels out of control and you find yourself in a chaotic and stressful situation, you need to find ways to stay calm and centered. Only when you do this, and zoom out of what is going on, you are able to take good decisions that are not merely driven by emotion.
You (and only you!) have the power to control how you feel. Really.
With all the crazyness going on in the world, it is definitely not always easy to stay calm and centered, but fortunately there are several things you can do to train this ability.
The more you practice any of the below activities, the better you will learn to manage external chaos and the more calm and peaceful you will feel at the core.
This will not only be good for ourselves, but also for the people around us as this calmth will be translating on to others too. If you feel calm and centered, you can litteraly face anything and anyone, you only need to feel it first 🙂
If you are ready, try some of these 10 ways to stay calm and centered in a stressful situation:
- Do A Centering Exercise (see video here) – Doing this centering exercise regularly will make it easier to center yourself every time you try it. This is such a great skill to have during stressful times as it will keep you relaxed and mentally sharp.
- Get Out Into Nature By Yourself – Get out into nature by yourself, slow down your pace or even sit still, and take in your surroundings.
- Practice Mindful Breathing – Regulating your breathing always works. It has a calming effect on your body and will therefore release stress and relax the mind.
- Express Gratitude – Think of 5 things you are grateful for at this moment and take a moment to express them.
- Dance To Your Favorite Tune – By doing something physical you will release stress from your body and calm the mind. Don’t forget to sing along as loud as you can.
- Create A Self-Care Ritual – Take some time to give your body what it needs. Take a nice bath, light a sented candle, do a meditation, cook yourself some nourishing food, get a massage or a Reiki treatment.
- Laugh About The Situation – Even if the situation is not funny at all, laugh at it anyway!
- Give Yourself A Foot Massage – By giving yourself a foot massage you are grounding yourself. This will take away some of the excessive energy around your head and bring your body back down to earth.
- Do Some Gardening – Gardening is a great grounding activity. Being surrounded by greenery gets you out of your head and has a calming effect on the body.
- Listen To Relaxing Music – This has a soothing effect on the mind and will automatically help you to get to a more centered state
The Benefits Of Centering Yourself (And Why You Should Learn)
There are great benefits to learning how to center yourself. It will improve your physical and mental health, your focus and the connection to your intuition.
When you are centered you are in a state of relaxed focus. Nothing is clouding your mind and your body feels fully relaxed. Stress you were experiencing is released from the body.
After practising to center yourself regularly, you will rewire your brain and be able to stay in a more relaxed state of mind on a daily basis.
In a centered state, you are also more open to receive ideas from your subconscious. Your mind is at its sharpest: you are aware of your surroundings but are not emotionally responsive to it. By centering yourself you can tap into altered states of consciousness.
👉 To go deeper, also check out my Guide to Meditation! 🤍