If you haven’t already, you should learn Tarot. Really. Your life will not be the same after you get to know the great wisdom that the Tarot contains. In this article I will explain where the Tarot originates from, what it can teach you and why you should learn it.
When I stumbled upon the Tarot by accident, it started to intrigue me. The more I got to learn about the meanings of the cards, the symbolism and the seemingly neverending deeper meanings to each card, the more interested I got.
Tarot is a journey and the more you learn about it, the more interesting it keeps getting!
What Was The Origin Of Tarot?
According to many sources the Tarot originates from the dark ages, somewhere around the end of the 14th century. This is the time around which Tarot cards as we know them today started popping up everywhere. However, according to Karen Hamaker-Zondag in Tarot as a Way of life: A Jungian Approach to the Tarot, many Tarot readers have strong indications that the Tarot is older than that.
Possibly, the Tarot cards as we know them today were used in a different shape or form in older cultures from the East. It is known that in those cultures, as well as many others, the use of symbols was very common and was also used in card format during initiation rituals and religious teachings.
Another indication that the Tarot is older (as Karen also explains in her book), is the choice of the 4 suits that are used in the Minor Arcana: the swords, the wands, the cups and the pentacles. There are examples of where these symbols were used or depicted in this combination way before the 14th century.
The Indian androgynous god Ardhanarisvara was already depicted with a cup, a scepter, a ring and a sword. And also in Greek mythology, the Greek goddess Nemesis carried similar symbols: a cup, a branch, a wheel and a sword. This gives the impression that this (combination of) symbolism has been part of an ancient human consciousness and history.

If you would like to know more about the history of Tarot, or just get a better understanding of the cards, check out the beautiful book Tarot by Jessica Huntley. It is a visual journey through the history and origin of Tarot, and shows how the Tarot has inspired many artists and thinkers over time.
What Was The Purpose Of Tarot Cards When They Were Invented?
It is likely that the Minor Arcana cards in the Tarot evolved from the playing cards that we know today. After all, the Minor Arcana also has 4 suits with an ace, cards 1 to 10 and 4 court cards. For that reason, the general consensus is that initially the Tarot cards were used to play games.
Later on, the Minor Arcana cards were combined with the Major Arcana cards, which made it into the Tarot (with 78 cards) as we know it today. It is possible that the Tarot deck was also being used for fortune telling, but there is no proof found to indicate that.
These days, the Tarot is commonly used as a coaching tool to provide insight and guidance for life events, and is sometimes used for fortune telling.
What Is The Point Of A Tarot Reading?
The Tarot contains all of life’s wisdom in it. The Major Arcana cards reflect the journey of a soul, starting from birth all the way through the cycle of the lessons of life. For this reason, a Tarot reading is great tool to give you insight in a situation, and can guide you in the right direction when you feel stuck. The Tarot is a spiritual guide and life coach in one.

Why You Should Learn Tarot
You should learn Tarot (or at least get a reading) because of the great wisdom it contains about the human experience, and because it is an amazing tool for self-reflection and spiritual development. By understanding the universal spiritual wisdom of the Tarot, you will deepen your outlook on life and therefore improve it.
What Can Tarot Cards Teach You?
The Tarot contains a universal wisdom about life. It depicts the universal story of a soul starting at birth moving through all challenges and lessons there are to be learned in life. The Tarot can teach you what these universal lessons are, and it can help you connect to your own inner wisdom and knowing.
If you are struggling with a topic or a situation in your life, the Tarot will help you reflect on the situation and will help you find the best approach to the situation for you. It will show you new angles, which can be a great eye opener or a confirmation of your inner knowing.
Some people also use the cards to predict the future and gain insight in the past and present. It is up to you what you would like to use them for. Just try it out and see what resonates with you!
How Can Tarot Improve Your Life?
The Tarot is a mirror that will help your personal growth and spiritual development. When you are mulling over something and need a new perspective on the situation, ask the Tarot for help. It will show whether you are on the right path, or whether you need to connect with your inner self more.

What Is The Importance Of Tarot Cards?
Because the symbolism and meanings behind the Tarot cards contain so much ancient wisdom, they are important to human history and to the human experience alltogether. The Tarot contains the meaning of life, depicted in the Major and Minor Arcana cards and the journey of the fool (the soul).
All the cards have many layers of meaning to them. Look into the meaning of the suit of the card, the astrological meaning, the numerology, the placement in the tree of life, the archetype on the card, the colors of the clothing, the scene and other symbols and words that are on there.
The more you will work with the Tarot, the more of these deeper meanings you will discover. The more you find out about these meanings, the more you will understand the importance of the Tarot.
How To Start Reading Tarot?
If you want to start reading Tarot, it is best to start with a Rider-Waite deck. This is the most universal Tarot deck that is best for beginners because it shows all the symbolism and meanings on the cards.
On more arty decks, some of these meanings are often depicted differently or have been changed. That is fine, as the Tarot is highly intuitive, but to learn the meaning behind the cards, it is easier to start with Rider-Waite.
Of course, if another deck resonates with you more, you are free to start with that one too! Do what feels good to you 🙂
Once you have found a Tarot deck that you like, take some time to connect to the cards. Cleanse the deck and have a close look at each card seperately.
Get yourself a good Tarot book and just start practicing. Pull one card every day and reflect on it, or use an easy 3 card spread that you like. After time you will notice that your knowledge of the cards and your intuition will develop.
Have fun!
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