What Is Spiritual Life Coaching?

Jun 23, 2024Self Development

How spiritual life coaching can transform your life

What Is Spiritual Life Coaching?

Jun 23, 2024Self Development

How spiritual life coaching can transform your life

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You Have A Purpose ✨

I find that often the mainstream approach is missing something when it comes to personal growth.

You are here for a reason.

You have your own unique role to play.

You are not here to be average, to conform to the masses, and to hide your true self.

Life is about finding your own unique purpose; to express that part in you, that makes you you.

That sense of purpose will tie everything together, and once you find it, will be the driving force behind every decision in your life.

Spiritual life coaching does not only focus on the physical, mental, and the emotional aspects of your life, but also includes the spiritual. This is key for deep transformation.

Ready to go straight to the root cause? Then let’s go!

A Spiritual Life Coach…

  • can help you connect with who you truly are
  • can help you uncover your true desires
  • can help you uncover your life purpose
  • can help you identify what is blocking you
  • can help you remove those blocks
  • can be your mirror to help you see the unseen
  • can help you break through mental barriers and limiting beliefs
  • can help you regulate your emotional system
  • can give you tools to release stress and regulate your nervous system
  • can help you identify the root cause instead of staying on surface level
  • can help you get out of your head
  • can help you uncover your greatness
  • can help you connect with the essence of your being
  • can be the support you need to reach your goal
  • can help you transform on the deepest level

Spiritual Life Coaching vs. Life Coaching

Just like a life coach, a spiritual life coach can coach you in a particular area of your life, however the process goes deeper.

Spiritual life coaching is all about self-awareness, self-discovery, and connecting to your spirituality:

the journey from the head to the heart.

It aims to help you ‘feel’ -and therefore know- that you are more than just your mind and body. This holistic approach will enable you find answers that go beyond surface level.

You will notice that the answers about your life are already within you, and won’t come from your head.

You only need to learn how to bring these answers out.

When Surface Level Isn’t Enough

Have you been trying to change but keep feeling stuck? For example:

*You don’t know what your purpose is, so you keep making lists of possible jobs/careers. Approaching this ‘from the head’ hasn’t worked and you still don’t know.

*You want to get healthier. You know you need to kick your bad habits, exercise more and eat healthy. You don’t see progress and stay stuck in the same old loop.

*You want to make a serious change in your life, but you never feel ready and it’s too hard to do. You have been trying for years, but nothing has changed.

*You repeat old patterns over and over and over again…

If this is you, spiritual life coaching can help you (finally) get the breakthrough you desire.

The Four Pillars of Spiritual Life Coaching

As mentioned, there are four pillars (or levels) of spiritual life coaching. They are all equally important. One does not fully heal without the others. Therefore a spiritual life coaching program will always include your development throughout all of these pillars.

#1 – The Physical

Your body is the vessel you are moving through this life with, so it’s crucial to include the physical in your process.

A lot of aches, pains, stress, and anxiety we experience in our daily lives, are energy stored in the body. We may not be aware of this, but our nervous systems have a memory.

If you inherently feel unsafe, your nervous system will trigger this response in daily life.

By understanding the importance of the body, also for our spiritual connection, we can include working with the physical as an integral part of the growth process.

However, the physical is only one of four pillars!

The physical level also includes your physical circumstances such as housing, job, financial, relationships, social circle, etc.

#2 – The Mental

Thoughts are energy. And every second you are thinking, you are putting out a frequency that communicates an intention to the universe.

Those thoughts are invisible and may seem umimportant, but eventually, they turn into feelings and into actions. They make up a large part of your being.

Therefore, adopting more positive thought patterns and reducing limiting beliefs are a crucial part of your wellbeing.

You wouldn’t fill your house with trash, right?

So why fill your mind with it?

Your mental state and mindset have a major impact on the other levels.

#3 – The Emotional

How do you process your emotions? When you feel sad, tired or annoyed, what do you do?

Do you watch Netflix, go for a walk, eat chips, work out, or sit in a room and really tune into the heavy feeling?

There are many ways to process our emotions.

But we often learn to (unconsciously) push them away.

The effect is as if we keep pushing a beach ball under water: it stays hidden but is always there, ready to jump out (at inconvenient moments!).

Good emotional regulation is key for your personal growth. Especially when you move out of your comfort zone…

Also, working with your emotions consciously will help you feel so much lighter!!

#4 – The Spiritual

In essence, you are a spirit in a physical body.

The spiritual level is where you connect with your inner being and your true power!

Doing things that are ‘soulless’ will never truly feel good, but change can be daunting.

Connecting with your intuition, and learning to listen to it, can be a process, but is worth every step!

By honoring what your intuition wants you to do (despite the fear), you will become a more integrated version of yourself. The more authentic you become, the better and freer you will feel!

The Benefits of Spiritual Life Coaching

Some of the benefits experienced by people who engaged in spiritual life coaching include:

  • deeper sense of purpose and direction in life.
  • Improved self-awareness and understanding of one’s true desires.
  • Enhanced emotional well-being and better stress management.
  • A stronger connection to one’s spiritual beliefs and practices.
  • Greater harmony and balance across all areas of life.

In a nutshell, spiritual life coaching is a transformative process that supports you in living a more integrated and purposeful life. It’s an invitation into a journey of self-discovery and an adventure into all aspects that life has to offer.

If you are ready to say ‘Yes’ to life, then this is the right method for you!

Try A Spiritual Life Coaching Session

Are you interested to learn more about how spiritual life coaching can help you, or have any questions? Feel free to schedule a free discovery call with me: click here to make an appointment. Or check my website for more information about what I offer, or to directly book a session.

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