Find Your Core Values & Align With Your Life Purpose

Apr 26, 2024Self Development

Find your life purpose - Align with your core values

Find Your Core Values & Align With Your Life Purpose

Apr 26, 2024Self Development

Find your life purpose - Align with your core values

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Do you know your core values?

If not, and you’re looking for your life purpose, I urge you to find out today!

Finding your life purpose is all about aligning yourself with your inner being. When you consistently live ‘out of alignment’ by pursuing dreams that aren’t yours, by listening to other people’s opinions too much, by feeling negative consistently, it is unlikely your life purpose will reveal itself to you.

But where to start?

Begin by understanding what your 5 core values are! That way you can measure all your decisions by them, and ensure that your decisions feel ‘right’ to you at all times.

Let’s talk about what core values are, and let’s find yours!

What Are Core Values?

Your core values are the fundamental beliefs that guide your behavior and decision-making. They are unique to you as an individual, shaping your beliefs and influencing the choices you make in life.

When you align your actions and decisions with your core values, you experience a sense of authenticity and fullfilment. However, when you deviate from them, you may feel insettled or disconnected from your true self.

In the long run, staying true to your core values leads to a more meaningful and satisfying life.

Therefore, it is essential to identify and understand your core values so that you can consistently measure your decisions against them.

Why You Should Know Your Core Values

Do you find it challenging to make important life decisions?

Are you trying to fit into something that doesn’t feel right for you?

Perhaps you feel unsettled about a past decision.

Chances are, you are not living in alignment with your values. Understanding your core values can be a powerful tool for realigning yourself and determining your direction.

When you do so, it will become easier to discern which options resonate with your authentic self and which ones don’t.

Core Values And Life Purpose

Understanding your core values can also play a role in discovering your life purpose. Your core values are the fundamential principles that serve as a compass, showing you where you can make a meaningful contribution to the world.

Consider this: Your core values illuminate how you can make a difference and feel inspired. When faced with decisions about your future, measure them against these values. Doing so ensures that you choose a path aligned with your authentic self, bringing you closer to uncovering your life purpose.

And remember, when you stray from your core values, you’ll sense a disconnection on a soul level. It’s like something is subtly “off.” Your true calling, however, will always resonate with those core values, leading you toward fulfillment and purpose. 🌟

How To Find Your Core Values?

Now, let’s uncover your core values!

Follow these steps:

  • Review the List: Take a look at the values provided below.
  • Write down all values that resonate with you. If you think of additional values not listed, feel free to include those as well.
  • Choose the 5 most resonant values: From the values you wrote down, select the five values that most deeply resonate with you.
  • Authenticity matters: Choose the values that feel most authentic to you. Avoid choosing values because you believe you “should” have them or because they seem like the “right” ones.
  • Trust Your Gut: Rely on your intuition and inner knowing.
  • Save your core values: Write your 5 chosen values down so you won’t forget them!

Core Values

Choose your values from this list, or add your own:

Acceptance Accomplishment Accountability Acquisition Adventure Aesthetics Affiliation Authenticity Authority Autonomy Balance Beauty Challenge Commitment Communication Community Companionship Compassion Competence Competition Conformity Connection Conservation Contentment Contribution Control Cooperation Creativity Cultural Curiosity Dependability Diversity Duty Education Elegance Emotional awareness Emotional Expression Equity Ethics/Morality Excitement Exploring Fairness Faith Family Financial security Flexibility Forgiveness Freedom Friendship Frugality Fun Generosity Global responsibility Grace Gratification Happiness Harmony Health/Fitness Helping Home Honesty Humility Humor Idealism Influence Independence Integrity Intimacy Joy Justice Kindness Leadership Learning Listening Love Loyalty Moderation Nature Nurturing Nutrition Obligation Parenting Passion Peace Perfection Personal growth Play Pleasure Power Predictability Pride Prosperity Purpose Quietness Reciprocity Recognition Relationship Religious Respect Responsibility Risk-taking Security Self-awareness Self care Self-discipline Self-esteem Self-sufficiency Service to others Social status Socialization Spirituality Spontaneity Stability Structure Supportability Survival Teaching Team work Tolerance Tradition Trust Truth Variety Wealth Wholeness Wisdom Wonder Work

What Are Your Core Values?

Now take a moment to reflect on your core values.

Consider the following questions:

  • What makes you feel fulfilled?
  • When do you feel most authentic and aligned?
  • What qualities in others resonate with you the most?

Identifying your core values isn’t always easy, but it’s a valuable exercise. When you know your values, you gain some deeper knowledge about yourself.

Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments! 😊

If you’re ready to dive deeper into discovering your life purpose, check out my Life Purpose Workbook. It’s a practical, easy and fun way to reconnect with yourself and find the answers you seek. (Click the link for more information)

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