What Does It Mean To Be Aligned With The Universe?

May 11, 2023Spiritual Awakening

What does it mean to be aligned with the universe?

What Does It Mean To Be Aligned With The Universe?

May 11, 2023Spiritual Awakening

What does it mean to be aligned with the universe?

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This took me a while to understand, but when it finally sank in, it all made sense. And even better, I began to experience how it works!

When you are in a state of alignment, things just seem to be happening for you effortlessly and unexpectedly.

To live in alignment with the universe means that you are allowing yourself to be guided by your inner compass by putting yourself in the receptive mode, instead of trying to fight against, or for, a certain outcome.

This is where the universal Law of Attraction comes into play. The way you are feeling in this moment right now is what determines what you will attract.

And here is the difficult part: when we think of what we want to attract, we often believe that once we manifest that ‘thing’ into our reality, we will be happy. But by thinking that, we are actually keeping ourselves in a state of lack because we are telling ourselves that we are not happy in this very moment.

A state of lack attracts a state of lack.

And a state of abundance attracts a state of abundance.

Therefore, the only way to attract what we want is by becoming what we want. This means to find a way to FEEL that you have everything that you need right at this moment.

And even if you rationally understand this, it takes (a lot of!) practice to actually learn to put yourself in this state of abundance.

I am noticing a lot of progress in how I feel since I started to practice this myself. I’m definitely not fully there yet, but I’m very grateful for the progress I’ve made so far! 👏🤩

The Art Of Becoming Your Authentic Self

Your soul has come into this life to have a certain experience. And the universe will always put things in your path that will lead you in the direction of your soul’s authentic path.

So why don’t we all just follow our hearts and be happy? Because we all need to learn to live in alignment and become our authentic selves. It may be the ultimate challenge we all face in life…

It is so easy to be 100% yourself, and yet so difficult. All the societal programming and thought habits are keeping you away from it…

Shadow work prompts for manifestation

As a child, you used to be in alignment. You just did what made you happy and followed your heart and passions unapologetically. You were able to just tune out negativity. Until social conditioning began and taught you to behave differently so you would be accepted by the collective.

We all quickly learn what it is like to be judged for who we really are. And it is painful.

So we protect ourselves by building walls and wearing masks.

All very helpful to stay safe. But not to feel fulfilled.

Once you decide to only live your life for YOU and not for what anyone else thinks of you, you can finally begin to set yourself free and find fulfillment.

The Art Of Letting Go

So how do you do that? How do you know where to go and what to do? And how do you stop fear from holding you back?

By learning to let go.

Sounds simple enough, but admitted, it takes (a lot of) practice. But this is what it means to ‘walk the spiritual path’. Learning to trust and surrender.

Once you get off ‘the wheel’ of what society, other people, and your preprogrammed mind expect of you, you have embarked on this path.

Once you learn to tune into your inner guidance, and trust that things will work out for you as long as you are on your path of authenticity, life will become more magical than it has ever been.

I believe this is a lifelong practice, but once you experience what it means to feel aligned more often, and you experience how doors begin to open up for you, you will undoubtedly want to continue!

So in any moment, practice letting go. And practice shifting your focus to the now. Feel the gratitude of what you have right now, and know that this moment is perfect as it is.

Know that you are always exactly where you need to be: feel it.

How To Practice Being In Alignment?

1. Set Your Intention Daily

Start the day with a meditation to set the intention and tune into the energetic vibration you want to become.

2. Do What Brings You Joy

If you are feeling down, negative, sad, you are out of alignment in that moment. And that’s ok. Simply observe it and do something that can help you feel better in that moment. This can be anything. Some ideas:

  • Do a mediation
  • Go for a mindful walk
  • Make music
  • Dance
  • Laugh
  • Feel 5 things you are grateful for
  • Call a friend
  • Do something creative
  • Sit by a lake or by the ocean
  • Shift your focus to something more positive

3. Observe your focus

Not feeling good? Become aware of what your thoughts are, and what are you focusing on. Are you focusing on how a person or situation made you feel bad? By talking about it, and focusing on it, you are allowing yourself to feel bad about it and letting it determine how you feel.

Instead, decide to do something that uplifts you. It takes practice (I know!), but you will notice that it will become easier the more you try.

Shift your focus toward something that will help YOUR LIFE at this moment. Enjoy some sunshine, or the rain. Or some good music. Try to quiet your mind.

4. Go With The Flow.

Everytime you are trying to fight something, or feel the need to change someone else or a situation, or you feel that you have to achieve a certain thing, you are out of alignment.

The state of lack that you are in at that moment will get in the way of you getting what you want.

Instead, focus on how you are feeling. That is all that matters, and that is all you can change.

You cannot change anyone else. But you can change your reaction and thoughts about a situation.

You can decide to not let negative energy in (like children are naturally able to do), and shift your focus.

Don’t feel the need to change or having to explain yourself. You don’t have to do that. You are good as you are, and so is this moment.

I found this very hard to grasp at first, and felt as if this wasn’t working. But after consistent practice, I began to notice that it started to work on more occassions.

Meditation can be a great tool to practice with because it helps you to become an observer of your mind. You might like to check out my Guide to Meditation to get started.

5. Put Yourself In The Receptive Mode

Your intuition will always guide you where to go next. You just need to be open to hear it.

How? By learning to feel into it. Your feelings are always leading you into the right direction. Quiet your mind. Tune into your body. What feels good to you deep down? What are you yearning for the most? What do you truly desire in your heart?

That’s the direction you need to take. Be deliberate about not letting the voice in your head (your fears) stop you from moving in the right direction.

It’s ok to take small steps, because you are exactly where you need to be right now.


Feels good? Do it.

Feels bad? Shift your focus away from it.

This post what all about what it means to be aligned with the universe.

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