If you are not sure how distance Reiki works or can work, you are not alone. In our modern society, we are often not aware of how we can use energy and telepathy to communicate with each other, but we can.
Before trying distance Reiki myself, I was curious and a little sceptical of how well this would work. After I received distance Reiki, I was amazed that I could exactly feel when it started and when it finished.
After giving Reiki from a distance to several people, I got similar impressions back from their experience. Therefore all I can say is: open your mind and try it for yourself!
What Is Reiki?
Reiki is a technique of energetic healing that relaxes the body and the nervous system to encourage the body’s self-healing ability.
Reiki means ‘universal energy’. During a Reiki session, the universal energy (or Reiki) flows through the Reiki healer and is transfered to the person who receives the Reiki.
The energy finds its way through the body and has a healing effect, both physically, emotionally and spiritually. Reiki is all about finding the balance between body and mind.
What Are The Benefits Of Reiki?
We are more than just our physical bodies. We have an energy field around us (the aura) which can not be seen by everyone, but is a vital part of our being and our health.
Every illness starts out as an energy block in our energetic field. The blockages make their way into our bodies where they can eventually develop into an illness, if not resolved. These energy blocks are created by stress or trauma.
There are many ways to work through stress and trauma and release the energy blocks from the body, and Reiki is one of the ways to do this.
Reiki can prevent energy blocks from developing further and therefore create a feeling of relief and lightness (this can be on a physical, emotional and spiritual level). It activates the natural healing abilities of the body as follows:
Reiki switches the nervous system from the sympathetic mode to the parasympathetic mode, which is the body’s restorative mode where it is able to heal itself. The effects of Reiki are comparable to what an acupuncture session can do for the body.
You can experience the power of Reiki when you take the time and conscious effort to practice it. If you are open to receiving it, you will be surprised what it can do for you.
Also read: How Do You Know If Reiki Works?
What Is Distance Reiki?
Although during an in-person Reiki session, the person receiving the Reiki and the person giving the Reiki are in the same place, that is not necessary. Reiki can be performed from a distance, as long as the person receiving the Reiki gives permission to receive it.
The reason this works is because Reiki is transferred through energy, and energy transcends time and space. This might be a strange sounding concept to you, but this is also how telepathy works, and how mediums can contact deceased loved ones.
(If you would like to know more about the workings of telepathy, and understand what a natural ability this actually is for humans, read the book Tribal Telepathy by Kelly Lindsay)
Distance Reiki can be given by any Reiki 2 Practicioner or Reiki Master. They will make use of symbols to establish a connection to the energy of the person receiving the Reiki.
How Does Distance Reiki Work?
To connect to the energy of the person receiving the Reiki, the Reiki healer will first connect to the energy of the person on the receiving end. If the healer does not know the person, a photo can help with this.
The healer will use a symbol to connect to the energy of the person, and will use symbols to indicate the level of healing (physical, emotional and/or spiritual).
Once the connection is established, the healer will send the Reiki energy by imagining the person in front of them and sending them the energy through their hands.
To optimally benefit from the Reiki, the person receiving can sit or lay down in a comfortable place and close their eyes during the session.
How Effective Is Distance Reiki?
Reiki given from a distance has the same effect on someone as an in-person Reiki session. A 10-15 minute distance session has a similar effect as a one hour long in-person session.
Does It Matter How Long The Distance Is?
No, it does not matter how long the distance between the healer and the person receiving the Reiki is. You can give Reiki to someone on the other side of the world, or to someone in the room next to you.
Because energy transcends time and space, and we live in a 3D reality of linear time and space, this is not always an easy concept to grasp as it transcends the level of consciousness our minds can understand.
Can Distance Reiki Be Given To A Person That Did Not Give Permission?
If you want to give Reiki to someone that has not given permission to receive it (for example to someone that is in a coma or too sick to understand), you can give them Reiki but there is no guarantee they will be able to receive it.
The Reiki will not be harmful to the person, but can only be received if the person wants to.
Receiving Distance Reiki
How To Prepare For Distance Reiki?
To receive distance Reiki, agree on a time with the person giving you the Reiki. At the start of the session, find a quiet place to lay down or sit comfortably, close your eyes and relax.
If you are giving distance Reiki to someone, prepare for the session by clearing your mind and observing how your body feels. This is important so that during the session, you will know whether any physical pain, thoughts or energies are from you, or from the person you are connecting with.
What Does Distance Reiki Feel Like?
My own experience receiving distance Reiki, and the experiences of the people I have given distance Reiki to, are all pretty similar.
During the session you can feel a sense of relaxation, and a tingling, pulsing or flowy sensation in your body. The Reiki makes you feel very relaxed. Especially when done in the evening, you will probably sleep very well.
Don’t forget to drink some water after the session.
Want To Know More About Reiki?
If you would like to read more about Reiki, read the book Essential Reiki by Diane Stein. This is one of the most complete and well-known works to read if you want to understand how Reiki works.