Having trouble manifesting? Then there is something that is blocking you from achieving what you want. You probably already knew that, but how to find out what it is that is blocking you? And how to actually remove the block?
I know how difficult it can be to find the cause of an energy drain. Because our subconscious mind is so powerful, it is necessary to dive deep in order to find what is really going on in our psyche.
Fortunately, that is why we have shadow work. If you have been trying these 14 ways to raise your vibration, and you still feel stuck, try these shadow work prompts and get ready to lose those anchors and become the great manifestor you are meant to be! 🤗
What Is Shadow Work?
Our shadow self is the part of ourself that we find difficult to accept. Instead of facing our shadow, we naturally deal with it by pushing it away and making it part of our subconscious.
As our behavior is mostly driven by subconscious processes, you can imagine the effect the shadow has on who we think, feel and act.
Shadow work is an in-depth process of self development where we work with our subconscious mind to bring our shadow into the light. The goal is to integrate our shadow self with the conscious part of ourself.
Shadow work in an integral part of any spiritual journey. By being willing to ask yourself the most difficult questions, and be brutally honest about the answers, you can really change at the most fundamental level.
Why Shadow Work Is Important For Manifestation
It is not so surprising that our shadow is blocking our manifestation. After all, you need to become what you are trying to manifest, so if your shadow is the opposite of what you want to achieve, that´s unavoidably what you need to look at!
Often it is already enough to bring an issue, or a fear, into the light in order to make a change in how we feel. By becoming aware of our subconscious thought processes, we can identify them, and change that thought process when we notice we get stuck in it.
Although initially, it might be painful to look at the core of our pain, eventually this is the only way we can really let it go and change ourselves. By changing ourselves, and releasing old energetic anchors, we automatically raise our vibration and become lighter (in an energetic sense).
If you are new to shadow work, I recommend getting this Shadow Work Journal. It has a lot of info and shadow work prompts in there that will cover all the basics. If you prefer an empty journal to add your own prompts, try this lovely Fringe Studio Journal (“we are all stardust” ⭐).
8 Shadow Work Prompts For Manifestation
These are 8 shadow work prompts that you can sit with, meditate and journal on, to help you find and release what is blocking you at the moment.
What I love to do, is to go to my sitspot in nature, bring a journal and ponder on these questions there 🌿
If you find it difficult to answer these questions, try this intuitive journaling exercise to get started:
- Get your journal and question ready
- Sit comfortably, take 5 deep breaths
- Set a timer to 10 minutes
- Write down whatever comes to mind, don’t think, don’t stop writing
Have fun!
1. What Thougths Are Bringing You Down At The Moment? What Is Causing These Thoughts?
Become aware of which thougths are bringing your down, and what the underlying fear is that you have because of the situation.
Is your perspective actually true? Are there other ways to look at it? How can you change your view of the situation? What can you learn from the situation? What would you do if you loved yourself?
2. What Is The Thing You Are Most Afraid Will Happen? How Are These Thoughts Helping You Prevent That From Happening?
When we worry about something, there is always an underlying fear that we often don´t immediately see.
If something or someone hurt you, why does this hurt you so much? Why is it a trigger for you? And where does that trigger come from?
Could there be something that happened in your childhood that this situation caused you to feel again?
If you get back into the present moment, and focus on your breath, can you find a sense of stillness in this moment?
3. How Can You Work On Overcoming This Fear?
What are things you can do to overcome this fear, so the next time you notice a trigger, you won’t feel so strongly about it.
For example, is your fear to be judged by others? Or to be alone?
What can you do to feel less affected by it?
A meditation practice can help you with this, or you might want to check out my post How to not let fear hold you back.
4. How Attached Are You To A Certain Outcome?
How attached are you to the outcome of what you are trying to manifest?
The funny thing is, the more we attach to an outcome, the more we are lowering our vibration. The advice is always to do the work, let go of the outcome and let your intuition guide you, but that is not always easy to do!
Especially when you have been working on something, or you really badly want a relationship, it can feel almost impossible to let go.
5. How Can You Work On Letting Go Of The Need For A Certain Outcome? How Can You Learn To Always Trust Your Intuition?
By having a spiritual practice where you practice gratitude and being present in the moment, we can train ourselves to be more and more ok with not knowing.
The universe works in mysterious ways, and we need to learn to trust that it will work in our favor, and will always work to align you with your soul’s path 🤩
Take good care of yourself, and practice enjoying today, rather than worrying about the future (I know, not always easy, especially when you are an air sign like me!).
Try any of these self care rituals for some ideas, and focus on reconnecting with nature.
6. What Does Your Soul Want You To Do At This Moment? What Fear Is Preventing Your From Doing That?
What is it that your soul wants to do the most right now? What would you do if you knew for a fact that you could not fail, and no one would judge you?
What is your deepest fear that is preventing you to do that? What if that fear would actually come true, would you survive? How can you become a stronger individual?
Also pay attention to the small things that you feel like doing at this moment, such as a walk in nature, listen to music, singing, dancing, drawing. Go and do that right now!
This will be the starting point to begin to raise your vibration, even if the deeper work takes a little longer, start with something small. By doing what feels good, you will also leave less room for your fear to creep in.
Doing what feels good to you right now will distract you, it will lift your mood, and it will be the best starting point to create the change you want by becoming what you want! 🙂
7. How Do You Feel Unsafe? How Is The Opinion Of Other People Blocking You To Move Forward?
How are you feeling unsafe? What could you do to feel more safe?
Are we actually safe at all in life, or is all material (and physical) safety actually an illusion?
What if we are all here on a soul’s mission, what would your mission be? Is it really possible to be something else than you really are at the core?
How can you become more in alignment with your most inner self? And how can you take steps to become more comfortable with doing that?
Your feeling of disconnection with the world is caused by the disconnect with yourself and with nature. Read more in Why reconnecting with nature is so important and consider this a serious option to feel more safe and grounded.
8. What Part Of Your Inner Child Is Being Triggered By This Fear? How Can You Make Peace With Your Inner Child?
This might not always be the easiest question to answer. Partially because we need to really travel back to our childhood for this, but also because there are often things that are stored in our subconscious that we are not even aware of happened to us.
Intuitive journaling can certainly help. And also meditation can be a great way to get to the core of this, but it can take some practice.
If you still are not able to find out what is blocking you, you can try hypnosis, which can be easy because you are guided by someone. Or the deepest way, would be to get into lucid dreaming. Definitely something that takes practice, but the most profound way we can connect with our own subconscious.
Final Thoughts
If you found this helpful, and would like to dive deeper into shadow work, use this Shadow Work Journal to get to it, and read the book Meeting the shadow: the hidden power of the dark side of human nature. It’s very insightful!
If you struggle with refocusing your thoughts, you might want to check out the book Cleaning up your mental mess by Dr. Caroline Leaf. Great book.
Another amazing tool to heal your shadow, will be to get a copy of your Birth Chart and find your Chiron placement. This will show you the main wounds that you are meant to heal in this lifetime, and can help you to see where to focus.