Don’t you love new beginnings? A new perspective and a clean slate. The possibilities are infinite.
It reminds me of a poster I once had in my room: “Anything is possible and nothing is impossible.” I get that now.
I need to begin this journey by sharing my personal story of spiritual awakening. After all, this was the start of my journey and has let me to starting this blog. So, let’s get into it and let me tell you where this all began..
A Modern Human Out In Nature
Without a doubt, the place where I have always felt at my best, was was outside in nature. From my earliest years in life and way beyond that, my favorite holidays consisted of outdoor activities such as hiking, mountain biking, sleeping outdoors, canoeing on a lake, you get the gist.
Over the years, nature never ceased to amaze me. I learned to determine and use many edible and medicinal wild plants, to make a fire and build shelters with only natural resources, to navigate through a dense forest without getting lost, and the list goes on.
Being In Nature vs Becoming Nature
Even though all of this has always been incredibly interesting to me, and I enjoyed it very much, this was all from the perspective of a modern human being. Going into the wild while being equipped with the right knowledge and stuff, ready and self-sufficient while enjoying some time in nature.
While I was IN the forest, I never truly became a part of the forest. The forest did its thing, I did my thing, and we met each other in the middle, which seemed to work fine for both.
Until I realized that was not the only way. There was a way that was only shown to me when I was ready to approach it with the calm, respect and attention that it truly deserves and requires..

“Little did I know that a major turning point in my life was waiting to meet me in the forest..”
Does Everything Happen For A Reason?
After a few challenging years, the state of the world had me worrying a lot more than was good for me. I found myself at a point where I was way too focused on external factors such as news updates, negativity, and other things that were out of my control.
It was taking its toll. I struggled to keep a positive mindset and, honestly, I let it drain my energy way more than I like to admit.
And there I was, feeling deflated and nowhere near my best self. So I decided that I needed a change.
Going Out Into Nature To Recuperate
I felt that I needed to reset myself. And what better way to do that than to go out into nature?
It seemed a great way to recuperate my energies and to get away from everything for a bit. So I signed up for a course on animal tracking and bird language.
I was about to spend four lovely days in the forest. Little did I know that a major turning point in my life was waiting to meet me there..
How To Become One With Nature
How I Learned To Listen
During these days in the forest I learned about how birds communicate, how all other creatures in the forest chime in and how it all works together. But more importantly, I learned to listen. I (finally!) really learned to listen.
To truly be in silence for a longer period of time, while sitting in the forest by myself taking in my surroundings. The more I did this, the more I started noticing things that I had never noticed before.
A Sense Of Calm
I had tried to meditate before, but I never reached the point of calm that I had reached here in the forest. This time I became one with the forest, and the forest welcomed me as if in that moment I truly belonged there.
These days in the forest had a mystical feel to it. The weather was gorgeous, the forest was calm. There were no better circumstances thinkable for this.
All things happening during this time contributed to the final outcome, but there was one moment in particular that I will never forget..!

“I knew that this was not a mere coincidence. There was a reason that this had happened.”
The Moment Where Magic Happened
In The Forest At Nightfall
At night fall, three of us decided to go and sit along the forest edge on a low hill, bordering a large sand plain where supposedly many animals would come out of the forest at night to cross the plain and come forage on the other side.
We sat down about a hundred meters away from each other so we could relax and make our own observations about our surroundings without disturbing each other.
Scared Of The Dark
One of us, let’s call her Anna, was very scared to be by herself in the dark because of a traumatizing incident from her past. Despite that, she still really wanted to take part in the exercise and join us there.
While sitting there, I was hoping to see some roe deer as I knew that is the place where they were likely to show up around this time of day. While I kept hoping, they did not show themselves.
As soon as it was almost dark, but still light enough to see something, I was just about to leave the spot. Right then, 7 large roe deer came storming out of the forest ahead of us.
Instead of running past us, where they normally ran (according to the trails that we found earlier), they came out of the forest and ran straight toward Anna!
What Had Just Happened?
Once they had stormed off, their vibrations were still in the air for a long while after.
What had happened? The two largest males came storming out of the forest straight toward Anna. They stopped right in front of her while observing her and looked her dead in the eyes. She could hear them breathing loudly.
She explained how intimidating, amazing and overwhelming it felt at the same time. She was very shook up by what had just happened.
Why Did The Deer Do That?
I was speechless. How was that possible? Why did the row deer came storming out of the forest and ran straight at her?
Why didn’t they take their normal course? And why didn’t they run towards me or the other person sitting on the forest edge too?
This Was Not A Coincidence
I knew that this was not a mere coincidence. There was a reason that this had happened.
Was this some sort of lesson that was supposed to help her processing the traumatic experience, or was it something else? Why her?
The next morning we went back to the spot to see if there really wasn’t a trail path that we coincidentally had missed, but there really wasn’t. The only conclusion was that this had something to do with her..
The Start Of A New Journey
When I got back home after the weekend, I felt that I had changed. I needed some time to process this. Everything I had seen and learned during these four days in the forest kept playing in my mind.
The experience with the roe deer, but also the realization how birds communicate and how every creature in the forest is a part of this web of communication. It got me so interested and eager to learn more that I started to read, observe and listen more.
This is where my journey began and I cannot wait to share with you what I found out next..!
Read it here: How Do You Communicate with Wild Animals?