Do you wonder what the purpose of spiritual awakening is? The other day someone asked me this question, which inspired me to write this post. These are my ideas about the spiritual awakening process.
The purpose of spiritual awakening is for our soul to evolve to the next level. During the spiritual awakening process, a person learns to detach from the ego and feel their connection to everything around them. It marks the turning point in their journey from the head to the heart. This paves the path to surrendering to life and to true inner freedom.
I believe that the spiritual awakening process is a maturing process of the soul. It will lead you to feel the ‘oneness’ with everything around you. You are still you, but without having to hide behind the ego anymore. You get to feel closer to your true essence.
What Actually Is The Spiritual Awakening Process?
The spiritual awakening process consists of several parts that are more or less a common part of the experience. Although the time it takes differs, and the steps do overlap one another, these are the common stages of spiritual awakening:
- The spiritual awakening process often starts with a life-changing experience, a traumatic event or an existential crisis. The spiritual awakening changes your complete outlook on the world and make you see things completely different from how you have always seen it.
- You will begin to question things, such as your work, relationships, life and the status-quo in general. It is common to sense a feeling of disconnect to the world around you, as this is the moment that the soul realizes there is an unconscious part of itself that has always been there.
- You may start to experience events or sensations that are hard to explain. It can be anything from hearing sounds, feeling energies, seeing clear images in your mind or experiencing premonitions. Also it can cause more vivid dreaming. This can be hard to understand by the people around you, and can feel isolating if you don’t know many like-minded others.
- All this will likely lead to a period of learning and discovering of what is happening to you. You might also feel strongly pulled to develop your spiritual gifts and abilities.
- You want to share all that you have learned and developed with like-minded individuals and with the world. You spiritual awakening feels like such a profound life-changing event that you cannot wait to share this with everyone who wants to hear it.
- You can start to experience a strong sense of inner freedom as you are released from what used to hold you back in the past. Now you realize that the ego is only a layer that is covering your soul, and the mind is its voice chattering endlessly. Whatever was preventing you from feeling free in the past (fear, anger, worry) can now be released as you know that what will be, will be, and the universe has a way to arrange that.
- Now a time for deeper healing and introspection can begin. It is a time to dive deeper into shadow work and the workings of your soul. Working through this can set you free and is required on the path to enlightenment.
It is important to mention that the spiritual awakening process can also come with lots of confusion, physical symptons (such as headaches), sadness and even depression. This is different for everyone, but it is also very common to experience such things also (even more so if the process has started and you don’t know what is happening to you yet).
These phases do not necessarily happen seperately from one another, but they show the general stages of spiritual awakening. Of course different people experience this all in their own unique way, and there is no ‘one and only’ or best way to experience this.
How Do You Become Fully Spiritually Awakened?
Our life´s purpose here on earth is to learn and to support the evolution of our soul (with the final goal for the soul to reach enlightenment). The closer you can get to enlightenment, the closer you are to being fully spiritually awakened.
So how do you get there? And what exactly is the journey of the soul? How do you know where you are right now? There are several levels of consciousness that we go through, and each of those can only be reached after learning several lessons, so what are those lessons that we need to learn?
I have all these questions, and are always trying to figure this out! One great way I love to use to understand this process better is to look at the story of the Tarot. It tells the story of the evolution of our soul throughout life.
In the Tarot, the 22 Major Arcana cards reflect the Journey of The Fool. The Fool’s journey starts at birth, where he has no life experience yet, and it continues until he has learned all life’s lessons. At the end of the journey, The Fool has reached complete balance between the ego and his higher self.
No wonder that the Tarot can be a great life coach to help us understand this process better!
So, the way to become fully spiritually awakened and reach the stage of enlightenment, will be to learn all the lessons that life has to teach you. To help this process along, always ask the question ‘What is my lesson from this situation?’
If this interests you, read more about Tarot here
Can You Spiritually Awaken Faster?
If you want to spiritually awaken faster or speed up the process, there are a few things you can do. Although I do believe that things will happen when they are supposed to and when you are ready for it, I also believe that we have role to play in how fast we learn certain lessons.
So let’s look at what you can do. Maybe you know someone that is going through spiritual awakening and has gotten you interested. Or maybe you are just curious and want to have this process move faster. If so, there are certain things you could do to help your process along:
- Meditate – If you only do one thing, start meditating. When you learn to quiet down the mind, you will start to experience a great sense of calm and inner peace. It can be challenging in the beginning, as the mind keeps wandering, but stick with it and it will get easier!
- Examine your own limiting beliefs – What thoughts are holding you back in your life? Are you achieving everything you want, or are you limiting yourself through your own believes? Realize that the possibilities are infinite, but you need to stop limiting yourself in order to realize them.
- Spend time in nature by yourself – try to really slow down and absorb your surroundings. (Read more about reconnecting to nature here)
- Understand that people act from a place of fear and limiting beliefs – Every person´s behaviour is a projection of their own believes on others. Once you understand this, you will see the world and all people in a different way.
- Read – read as much as you can on spiritual topics. (If you like, you can read my personal spiritual awakening story here)
- Keep an open mind – understand that everything you have learned might not be true and that as humans, although we think we know a lot, we really know nothing at all.
Also read: How Many People Are Spiritually Awake?